Books and Boyfriends

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"Sorry about that display, Mister Potter," said the Professor passionlessly. Harry was a little impressed by her duelling skills, so the disdain wasn't nearly as off-putting as it had been the entire trip thusfar. "The Aurors have arrived, they'll handle it now. Malkin, have you sufficiently dressed the boy?"

"I, well, yes," she babbled. "But the material will have to be a lower quality, unfortunately."

"He's an orphan," Kuttlege said with her lip curling. "What on earth did you expect? Acromantula silk? We have a budget, so don't fill the boy's head with delusions of grandeur and fine things."

Harry wasn't wrong, there definitely was some animosity between the two witches. He knew better than to ask the Charms Professor and instead asked Miss Malkin, who was puttering about packaging his new school uniform. Kuttlege had moved over to the window, watching with her hands folded behind her back as the Aurors rounded people up.

"Do you know each other?"

"Not very well," the seam enchantress said. "She was my Professor during my last year at Hogwarts, and yes, was always very snippy. I was quick to complaining though, I'll admit. We often butted heads." She glanced to the window display, where the woman showed no signs of hearing. "It was really hard to show proper respect- well it shouldn't have been but it was- because she was just a few years older than us. Brilliant witch, I'll say," she looked at Harry sternly. "So don't cross her. I was bold enough to have been a nasty flirt my final year, something about utter indifference can be very appealing..."

"Ah, okay," Harry said abruptly as Miss Malkin seemed to lose herself in thought. She shook her head and handed over magically wrapped parcels.

"That's all dearest," she said warmly. "She's already gone and paid." Harry smiled almost involuntarily at the kindness on Malkin's face, before walking over to his teacher.

"We'll be going to Flourish and Blott's. I refrained from purchasing your books as I believe that is an experience one should have first themselves. You may peruse the shelves for your interests, and also find your school list of necessary tomes." Harry was starting to think she was a Ravenclaw, with the reverent tone she spoke of the bookshop. "If you wish to spend any of the galleons from your yearly fund, I will tell you that you have twenty galleons and seven sickles to your name that is not needed for your schoolbooks- however next year you will have considerably less. The one hundred galleon limit is specifically for first year students in need of items like a trunk, magically adjustable clothing, a wand, and safety precautions such as dragon hide gloves. Keep this all in mind. Are you with me, Mister Potter?"

"Yes, ma'am, I'm listening," he said dutifully, while still tracking the Aurors with his eyes. "The street was slowly swelling in numbers but people looked wary, fairly enough. Many wizards and witches were bound or unconscious and being Portkeyed away. Harry scanned for the somewhat familiar form of Auror Moody, but didn't find him.


Flourish and Blotts was housing an incredible amount of books and wizards, some still clearly hiding out the fighting. The Professor instructed him to come and find her in the Warding section once he was complete with shopping. She handed him his book list and the money pouch that she had shrunk from the bank, warning him that if he ran out of money it was his responsibility.

"Professor why don't the goblins shrink the bags, too? Wouldn't that make it easier for them to carry?"

"Do they look like wand wavers to you, Mr. Potter? Perhaps look into the magical species section, today, for some enlightenment." And she vanished with a dramatic twirl into the stacks.

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