forty one.

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Evan was not called to Sussex that next morning. In fact, she was not called to Sussex all day.

In the early hours of the morning, when the dew was still settling on the grass and Draco was still asleep naked in bed beside her, Evan arose, dressing quietly so as not to disturb him. He was sleeping heavily and did not stir, not even when she opened the door and stepped out into the hall. She had not wanted the crack of her Apparition to disturb him but now that she was on the other side of the silenced door, she immediately vanished.

She was not dressed in her Countess attire. She wore black jeans and a lacy tank top, her cloak ever-present on her shoulders. She did not wear her mask or her crown. Even her tattoos were still inked on her skin.

She landed on Severus' doorstep and knocked casually on the door, feeling her pulse quicken. When Severus opened the door, he looked hardly surprised to see her.

"It is about time. Come in," he said with a scowl. When Severus stepped aside, Evan barreled into the sitting room, immediately placing herself on his couch. Severus followed a bit slower, walking with lingering paces and sitting in his chair.

"We cannot let it happen," Evan said immediately.

"Obviously," Severus retorted.

"We need to find the next location. This is no longer a waiting game. We need to seek it out."

"I already know the location of the next Horcrux, Evangeline," Severus said darkly.

"Fine then," she said, springing up from her seat. "Let's go."

"You cannot simply waltz into Gringotts and take it," Severus spit out. "We are already planning to send a small group. You will not be included."

"Fine. As long as you get it, I don't give a fuck," she snarled. "I won't let those women be raped by-"

"It has already started. The Dark Lord has already handed out assignments to the men involved in the program."

This made Evan falter. She rubbed her forehead and sat back down.

"But it was just last night," she gasped.

"Yes. Some men already asked for certain women at the party. The Dark Lord, of course, obliged. The rest of the surrogates will be divided out amongst others. The High Ranks, the purebloods."

"And what of Hermione Granger?" Evan asked, trying to calm her breathing.

"She has not been assigned. But it is clear that her case will be given the upmost of importance. You see," Severus said, leaning in. "The Dark Lord hopes that he will be able to break through her Occlumency walls if she becomes pregnant."

"Is that even possible?" Evan asked.

"Perhaps. Luckily, she knows very little of the current operations of the Resistance, only what has happened in the past. She went into semi-hiding in the States, only seeing combat when healing the wounded."

"We still can't let it happen. I don't care how unimportant her intel is," Evan spat.

"I am aware of your feelings, Evangeline. We will be striking Gringotts by the end of the week," Severus growled at her. "And make no mistake. You are to be nowhere near it. If someone sees so much as a whisper of you at Gringotts, the Dark Lord will figure it out."

"Fine," Evan said. She knew her part would come after they procured the next Horcrux, as she had the sword in her pocket. "Let's get on then." Evan stood, ready to Apparate to Sussex.

"I have been informed that you will be given the day off," Severus said. "The Dark Lord was most impressed with you and Draco at the ball. He wants you to have the day with him."

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