fifty one.

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Draco was still around the next night, sitting at the same spot at the bar when Evangeline walked in. 

She was not alone this time. She had Chris and Delilah in tow. Ben had declined the invitation and Evan was grateful, especially when she saw the handsome blonde stranger from across the bar. She didn't immediately walk up to him, no matter how much she wanted to, because she did not want to abandon her friends or listen to Chris' teasing that would most definitely arise at the sight of Evangeline talking to a man. But she met Draco's eye several times as she sat across the club, eating with her friends and, admittedly, being very quiet. 

"Okay," Delilah said when she finished the rest of her martini in one gulp. "Where's Justin, it's time for bombs."

Evan perked up. This would mean they would have to go to the bar. She stood up and walked to the bar, trailing slightly behind Chris and Delilah. She would have much preferred to come up here on her own, and she was feeling a little shy. Especially when Chris opened his mouth. 

"Hey daddy," Chris said to Justin. Justin flushed scarlet and coughed, tucking a bit of curly brown hair behind his ear. Evan saw Draco furrow his brow and stifle a laugh. They were right next to Draco and he was laughing at Chris in obvious amusement. 

"Bombs?" Justin asked them, a little uncomfortable. Chris was drunk already, drumming his fingers on the bar and staring idly at Justin with dreamy eyes. Delilah was laughing, enjoying Justin's obvious discomfort, and Evan was suppressing a smirk. She could feel the grey eyes on the side of her face.

Justin poured the Jager bombs and they all four clanked their shot glasses on the bar in unison before downing them. When Evan set her empty glass on the counter, she looked over. Draco was meeting her gaze and she could see that he was laughing at her. She bit her smiling lip and turned her gaze, abruptly, back to Chris. He was in a strange, whiny discussion with Justin, slurredly asking him to come home with him. Evan took the opportunity to move down the bar, shaking her head at Draco as he suppressed his laugh. 

"You," she said accusingly, sitting down next to him at the bar, "are making fun of me."

"No," the handsome blonde said in defense, but his tone was a little sarcastic. When Draco stopped chuckling, his eyes flickered to hers and he gave her a lopsided little smile. "Hi," he murmured dangerously. 

"Hi," Evan breathed. 

"And who are you?" Chris wrapped an arm around Evan's shoulder from behind, practically knocking her over. Draco darkened a little at the sight of Evangeline crumbling under the weight, but quickly recovered. He gave a strained smile. 

"This is Draco," Evan said cautiously, not taking her eyes off of him. 

"Hmmm. Yes, you are," Chris said suggestively, giving Draco a long, up and down look. 

"Jesus," Evan said under her breath. 

Soon the four of them were talking animatedly to each other. Draco was being insanely charming and Evan felt a pang when both Chris and Delilah practically drooled over him. Before long, however, they got bored. 

"Dancing. Now," Delilah said, taking Evan by the arm and pulling her up from her seat. 

"No, I really don't-" Evan started, but was interrupted by Delilah yanking her towards the dancefloor and making her stumble. Evan did not turn around in time to see Draco stand up, angered by her friend's rough treatment. He looked at Evan's back longingly but sat back down in his seat, swallowing his rage.

Draco was watching Evangeline dance. She was extremely resistant at first, just standing still in the middle of the crowded dancefloor as Delilah placed her hands on her shoulders and body rolled onto her. But then, Evangeline started to move in beat to the music.

Draco saw a man, a skinny black haired one, walk up to her and place his hands on her waist without her permission. Draco's eyes widened, and he saw her flinch. He noticed, while Evan did not, that there were black veins on the back of her hand. Draco stood up again at once, watching as she said something menacing to the man who raised his hands in defeat. 

Draco was not one for dancing. But he ached to touch her in any way. It would be real touch, tangible, and of her notice. So he walked through the crowded dancers until he was behind her. Delilah had moved across the dancefloor, dancing fast and loose with Chris. Draco hesitated, watching as Evan trembled with rage, eying the last man who had tried to dance with her. Draco raised a stiff hand and awkwardly touched her elbow. 

Evangeline flinched hard and whipped around, the start of darkness fading from her eyes when she saw that it was him. She looked shocked at his touch, as if he had electrocuted her. There was a deep thought growing bigger in her eyes. She did not feel a revulsion to his fingertips on her skin as she had with every other person who had touched her of late. Her elbow felt tingly and warm.

She looked at him not with a smile but with wide, awestruck eyes. Draco decided to take a chance. He stepped in closer, his eyes dark and his throat closing. It felt so good to be here, looking at her and seeing her look back. Her skin felt so good under his hand. She didn't step back from him. Rather, she pulled in closer. She was hesitant, as Draco noticed. But when he placed his arm around her waist and pulled her in closer, heat pulsating through his cheeks, she laid her arms around his shoulders. 

Draco choked a little. Evan's lips were parted, a light gasp coming out. The music was loud and thumping, the crowd thick around them. They started to dance a little, fiery with dark intensity that was not the usual dancing of a club like this. Draco willed his hands not to shake, for his eyes not to reveal too much. And her eyes were boring into his, the recognition palpable. She didn't know why, but his touch was familiar. He was being careful, his arm light around her waist. Draco's eyes were flickering between hers and Evan saw a little pain there. She did not have time to wonder why he wore this expression. 

"Evie!" called a chastising voice. It was Delilah, reappeared by her side. Draco stepped back from her, as if burned. She furrowed her brows at him. Within moments, Delilah was pulling Evan back to the bar, throwing a cautionary glance at Draco over her shoulder.

Draco stood stock still, watching her through the darkness and flashing lights. He was stunned, star struck, and his hands that had just touched her gave a little spasm. Evan didn't notice that he was staring at her as she walked away, but Draco noticed how her energy had fallen, as if she had been deflated. Evan wasn't smiling at her friend anymore and she blatantly refused to take a shot with her. Draco wanted to pull her away, to take her to his hotel room and, if nothing else, just sleep by her side. He was just barely working up the courage to go talk to her, to touch her arm again maybe, when he heard a strange voice. 

"You should not be here, Malfoy."

When Draco turned, completely confused, the voice was Chris'. He had not told Evangeline's friend his last name. In fact, Draco had not even told her. Draco furrowed his brow at Chris who was staring at him dangerously, only a foot away. The rest of the partiers danced around them and Draco did a double take, confused by his voice. It had been lower, not at all slurred by drink, and had come out in a British accent. 

"Who the fuck are you?" Draco hissed lowly, immediately on high alert.

"Severus will be informed shortly," Chris said, scowling. Draco's eyes widened. "Did you not heed his words? When he took the Projector from you? You are not to make contact with The Countess, of any kind."

Before Draco could unravel in confusion or, even better, rage out and murder Chris in the middle of a crowded club, he immediately turned and rushed to Evan's side. Chris nearly lunged at him, but seeing the crowd of dancers come together between him and Draco, he simply walked quickly towards the exit. 

"Hey," Draco said in a gasp, brushing his fingers gently against Evan's elbow. She turned towards him, not flinching but looking surprised at his tone. Delilah was just down the bar, leaning over it to talk to Justin. Draco looked strained, his eyes flickering back to the dance floor periodically. "Do you want to get out of here?" he asked, looking down at her with begging eyes. He wanted to whisk her away immediately but would not do so without her permission. 

"And go where?" Evan asked breathlessly. 

"Anywhere," Draco whispered darkly. 

Evan could not help the words that came out next. "I'd go anywhere with you."

Evangeline Blackwood and the Lost Letter - draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now