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Hobi POV

As I walked into the living room, I saw everyone sleeping quietly. Seokjin was lieing on the ground with Namjoon while Y/n was on the sofa and Taehyung sat next to her, snoring a little. I walked over to the window and looked outside at the night sky. It was pretty but I decided to go look if the others are alright too.

Yoongi and Jimin were calmly sleeping in their rooms while Jungkook were sitting on his bed looking outside. "Can't sleep?" He turned around to see who talked to him. When he saw me he just nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?" I sat down next to him and looked at him then outside.
"Not really but can you stay for some minutes?", he turned to me.

I nodded and leaned back against the wall and closed my eyes for a minute. It was so quiet and calm in his room. The only thing you could hear were the trees moving outside because of the wind and the breathing of us.
After I opened my eyes I saw that a shadow was standing behind the window. I acted as if I didn't see the dark figure and just turned to see Jungkook fell asleep.
After I put a blanket over him, I closed the windows quietly and left the room to get help from Y/n and Namjoon - I might need them.

Y/n already woke up as I took a step into the room while the others kept sleeping. Namjoon cuddled with a blanket for some unknown reason.
"Is something wrong?"
I turned my head to where the voice came from. Y/n stared at me with a curious look on her face. I shook my head and gestured her to wake up Joon and come out of the living room.

As we sat on the floor I told them what I saw and they looked at me a little confused but then interested. Namjoon nodded while listening which made me calm down a little while she just did nothing much except for listening to me.
"Can she control her ears better now or do I still hurt her if I talk normal? I hope she isn't too exhausted because of it."

"Someone is outside... Did you talk about that person?", Y/n suddenly said between my thoughts.
We both looked at her in disbelief. "There really is someone?! I didn't imagine it... Please stop the rain and make it storm outside, Namjoon...", I whispered.
Not soon after we heard a storm outside and someone or something knocking on the walls.

Yoongls ran to us which isn't normal for him. "Some girl is knocking on my window outside - black hair, black clothes and her eyes shine red. Close all the windows and doors. If I heard her words right her name is Morana, Molana or something like that?"

The others ran to us too then. Suddenly everything shut close - Jungkook probably. Afterwards I saw how Y/n held her ears. Probably did it get out of control again. Tae almost flew to her and tried to help her while Jin talked to Namjoon, Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin. I stood next to them and tried to find a place that is safe from everyone and everything.

In the end we all hid in the basement where a hidden room is but with only a little space. So in the end we had to almost all hug eachother but Tae already took Jungkook, Jimin and me to cuddle so the others had enough space.

Then suddenly we heard that a door broke somewhere upstairs. As I looked on the security cameras, I saw a dark shadow going down the stairs...

Someone was coming for us... Or at least one of us...

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