Chapter 8 - Devon

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A look of surprise, and then hope crossed Anthony's face.

"There's someone still alive here!" He exclaimed. We both turned our attention to the intercom and soon the voice of a man came back through it.

"You're infected, aren't you?" A sigh was heard through the small radio-like device.  "Damn. And here I was thinking you could get me out of here safely."

By now all the adrenaline of fighting off all those creatures, or "the infected" as the voice through the intercom had called them, was beginning to wear off for Anthony. The scratches and bites were drawing blood and Anthony was stumbling a little. He seemed dizzy and I helped him walk over towards the door leading to the second floor of the lab. We hobbled to the door and when we turned to knob, we found out that it wouldn't open.

"It's locked from the inside." The voice said. I guess that meant whoever he was, he could see us. A look of anger crossed Anthony's face then and he reached for the button on the intercom. I knew he was about to do something rash so I stopped him and then spoke into the intercom.

"Could you unlock it? We need medical attention, and soon." I looked down at my scratches and saw that they had stopped bleeding, which was good, but the amount of blood that stained my shirt was worrying. If we didn't find help soon, we would just bleed to death.

"You're the only living person we've met in this whole building. Could you let us in with you?"

"That's exactly why I can't let you in." The voice replied. "You're both infected judging on those scratches and bites. If I let you in, you'll just infect me too."

"What are you talking about? What are we "infected" with?" I had to wave Anthony off because he reached for the intercom again. I didn't trust his judgment right now. He seemed pretty reckless.

"Those things that you have been fighting, those creatures were people. But they weren't people really, they were infected people." He paused a moment, as if thinking of the right words to use next. "They're infected with The Green Flu. Nobody thought it was anything to worry about until now. Turns out that the Flu turns people into savage, mindless killing machines.

"When they come into contact with you via scratching or biting or anything that spreads their infection into your bloodstream, they pass the infection into you. So I'm not scratched and I'm not bleeding, which both of you are right now. You are both infected and I can't risk catching the infection. You'll have to stay out there."

That took a few moments to digest. Those were...people? We just killed people? Sick, infected people who's only purpose is to destroy humans. Before I could stop him, Anthony started talking to the man on the other side of the door.

"How do you know all this anyway?" He was upset and speaking loudly, but not quite shouting yet. "Who are you?"

"I'm Edward Swindle. Does it matter how I know all that? You'll turn into one of those infected in no time. The infection spreads quickly." There was an ominous tone to his voice when he said the last part. He knows a lot about this and even then I doubt he's telling us all of it.

And his name. Edward Swindle. I've heard it before. He was one of the biggest and most known researchers at P.S.O. and he's been working here for more than 10 years. One could say that he is the face of the P.S.O.

I could hear Anthony breathing from here. He was having a hard time and he was still coughing. He was growing paler still and now that he's loosing blood, he's just getting paler even faster. We need to find a way into that room or soon Anthony might just pass out. And there is no way I was going to carry him around.

"You've got to let us in there!" I pulled on the handle again, knowing that it won't open. "We are hurt and tired and alive! What more reasoning do you need?"

A laugh was heard from the receiving end of the intercom and Edward spoke again. "You may be alive, but you are still infected. I can't risk getting infected myself. You can't convince me, so please just save your breath. Or maybe waste your breath trying to control your friend there."

As soon as I heard those words, I turned to Anthony. He was leaning against the wall and he had his eyes shut tight. He was bleeding all over, but that didn't seem to bother him. Anthony's skin was almost as pale as the creatures.

"Anthony?" I asked, trying to get him to look up. "Anthony, are you alright?"

Anthony froze, then he looked at me. And the moment he opened his eyes, I knew he was gone. Instead of the blue eyes looking into mine that Anthony had, his eyes were grey and yellow. Just like the creatures. He opened his mouth and shouted a scream like the creatures had, then attacked me.

My gun was still drawn and I raised it to Anthony's head in seconds. But...I hesitated. I backed away from Anthony, or this creature? I don't even know what he is anymore. I held onto the last hope that he wasn't an infected and called out his name again, hoping to God he would answer.

"Anthony!" I really expected no response and I got just that, but I still couldn't bring myself to pull the trigger. This was a good security guard, a good man. He didn't deserve to be ended like this. But I couldn't think of any other way. If I didn't kill him, he would certainly kill me.

With that in mind and Anthony getting closer, I aimed my weapon and shot my gun. With a crack, the bullet flew out and embedded itself in my friends brain. I was breathing hard and tried not to look at Anthony's body.

"He was infected." There was a sliver of sympathy in Edwards tone as he said that. "He wasn't your friend anymore. You couldn't stop it."

At this point, I was quite irritated at him. I just killed Anthony because he was infected trying to get into this lab and Edward Swindle refused to help us. And to top it all off, Swindle tried to convince me that it wasn't my fault.

"Shut up, Swindle." I mumbled, reluctantly finding Anthony's gun and ammo. I showed respect as I took the goods and hoped that I didn't have to get used to salvaging dead bodies.

"Do you see why I can't let you in here?" Edward kept trying to prove his point. "What would I do if you were to turn into an Infected right under my nose? Although, since those cuts have stopped bleeding means you have been scratched a while ago. And yet you haven't turned." He paused as if thinking hard on it.

"I haven't turned yet and I don't plan on turning anytime soon." I went back to the door, thinking of a way to make Swindle let me in. "I have two guns now. You let me in and you can have one. That way if I do turn, you won't be defenceless. And I'll make sure to not scratch you or anything so I don't spread the infection onto you."

Again, Swindle seemed to ponder before answering.

"Perhaps the infection effects you differently than it does for everyone else." There was almost some amazement in his voice. "Maybe you won't turn quite so quickly."

"So, you'll let me in?"

"Yes, here." There was the sound of movement behind the door and soon it swung open.

"Now, about that gun..." A short man with messy brown hair and a white lab jacket was behind the door holding it open for me. I assumed that was Edward and knew that he wouldn't let me in unless I gave him a weapon.

"Here." I placed it in his grasp and he smiled.

"Good, now come on in."

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