Chapter 16 - Alexis

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"Oh no," Leon grumbled.

"See?" The other CEDA guy shouted, pointing at the creature. "That's what happens when you're infected! Soon, you'll turn into that!"

Poor Micheal just paled at the sight of the creature. The Green Flu is definitely the cause of all these creatures around, but I really didn't want to think that Micheal was infected. I didn't want to, but I couldn't help but wonder. Was he really going to turn into one of those creatures?

"Jacob, shut up!" Leon looked back to Micheal. "We don't know that."

"Hey, it's getting closer." The new guy spoke up as he started to walk closer to us. "Anybody have any idea how to stop it?"

"We can't stop it." The loud guy called Jacob said. "The only way is to kill it."

"No!" Leon practically yelled. "No, that's still a person."

"Leon, there's no human left in that thing." The CEDA woman said softly. "We have to kill it."

"I've got this bat..." Micheal trailed off, holding his baseball bat unsteadily.

"No. I've got it." I said, trying to sound confident. There's no way Micheal would be able to take that creature down. Better I do it than Micheal kills it and gets scarred for life. I can handle it.

"With what?" New guy asked.

"This." The creature was getting closer, almost at the sidewalk. I pulled out my gun, switched the safety off, and ignored the gasps from everyone. I lined up the shot for its head...then I lowered it to its chest. There's no way I'd be able to shoot down this creature in the head. Not when it's looking this much like a...normal human. Sure, it's all bloody, but it still looks fresh. I took a deep breath and squeezed the trigger.

The bullet hit the creature in the shoulder. It yelped in surprise, but it kept coming. So I tried again and this time I hit it in the chest. The creature fell to the ground and stopped yelling.

"What the hell?!" Jacob cried, moving away from me quite fast. "Do you just carry that around all the time?"

Everyone just looked at me with this scared look in their eyes. Except for Micheal, but he was still a little stunned by the fact that Jacob thought he'd turn into one of those creatures.

"I only brought this along in case we saw any more of those things." I put my gun away, hoping everyone would calm down.

"Staying here just keeps sounding like more and more of a bad idea," Jacob shook his head and turned back to the tent around. "Leon, Brianna, come help me get the rest of this packed up."

And we were back to the same argument as before.

"Jacob, we need to help them!" Leon said, trying to prove his point. "We are doctors from CEDA! That's why we came here! To help people!"

"Leon, he's a lost cause!" Jacob fought back. "He's going to turn soon anyway! Let's not waste..." I zoned out after that.

I walked over to Micheal and rested my hand on his shoulder. The poor guy looked so terrified. I guess the fact that he could become one of those creatures must be settling into his mind. And that's not a thought taken lightly. I just hope it's not true. I've only known him for a less than a day, but I don't want him to turn into a monster. I don't want anyone to, though I know it's not that simple. New Guy spoke up again.

"Are we not going to worry about the gun shot?" He looked at all of us. "Anyone, or anything, within a couple of miles could have heard it." A cold shiver ran down my spine. I hadn't considered that. What if that gunshot alerted more of those creatures to us? We probably should've used the bat.

"He's got a point." Micheal said, looking to me. "I don't think staying here is a good idea. Clearly CEDA won't be much help to us anyway. We need to evacuate the city."

"Yes, evacuate." Jacob agreed, giving Leon one more glare. "We need to get out of here."

This time Leon just kept his mouth shut. He went back to the tent and started packing things into big crates. I guess that's how they got all of their supplies here and everywhere else in the city.

"I never got a chance to say hello," New Guy said as he walked towards Micheal and I. The new guy looked a little confused and maybe scared. I don't blame him. Considering the drops of blood on his jacket cuffs and shoes, I'd say that he's already had a run in with one of those creatures.

"Well, hello." Micheal said giving him a small smile. Micheal still looked a bit out of it. "My name's Micheal and this is Alexis." I smiled and waved a little bit.

"My name is Blake." He offered his hand to shake. Neither of us shook it. "I don't know if that gunshot is anything to be worried about, but we should be cautious. I would really rather not get surprised by anything." I just nodded, not really feeling chatty.

"But I came from my sister's house and well... I'm a bit lost. I don't suppose you could tell me where we are and give me directions back to downtown?"

"Yeah, no problem." Micheal said, probably happy to have something else to focus on. "We're in Welsh Rural District right next to Dewees Street..." I zoned out once again, no longer interested in their conversation. Instead, my mind wandered to what Blake had said before. Was that gunshot anything to be worried about? All I was trying to do was get rid of the threat and make it so Micheal didn't have to be the one to do it. The decision had seemed so simple at the time. But maybe now no decisions will be simple anymore. I doubt anything will be.

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