Chapter 25 - Alexis

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I can't believe we're going with this plan. There's no way Swindle could make it out, so why did he insist on going? And why right now?

"Listen you guys, something's wrong." Devon spoke up as Swindle stood gazing into the store. He knew there was no way out once he runs in. "Edward's...sick. He thinks Micheal and I somehow have the sickness to him."

"Aren't we immune?" Micheal asked, looking a little shaken and Devon sighed.

"Yes, but Edward thinks we are infected, it's just not affecting us for whatever reason. He called us carriers."

I've heard about that actually. In some instances with the flu (the non-Green kind) and other contagious sicknesses sometimes someone could get infected without getting the symptoms, then they could pass it on to their family members or friends.

"He's absolutely sure about this?" I asked Devon. But Swindle answered.

"Yes, I'm sure. There's no way I'm going to wait around and just turn into one of those...abominations." Edward had such determination and hate in his eyes that I could almost understand his decision. But that doesn't make it a good idea.

"Listen, you can't do this." Blake told Swindle, rubbing a hand on the back of his neck. "There's got to be another way. A way where we can all walk away from this alive."

"Blake, I'm going to become one of those Infected." Swindle explained.

"You don't know that. Maybe you're immune like Devon and me." Micheal argued.

"No! I've seen enough people become infected and I don't...I'm not going to become like them." Swindle seemed so determined to end his life like this. We can only say so much to try and convince him, but in the end the decision is his. And he chose to end it. He took a deep breath and then sighed. "Just figure out who's shooting. Okay?"

We all looked at each other, wondering who would be strong enough to pull the trigger at the gasoline can that will ultimately end Swindle's life. I don't even know if Blake can shoot or if he's got good aim. Devon's a good shot, but he seems a little shaken about this whole situation. We all were, but he seems more bothered.

"I...I can do it." Micheal spoke up as he took the gun from Devon's hand. "I can shoot. And I've got good aim."

"No you can't, Micheal." I sighed and rubbed my eyes. This whole day has just become a huge headache for me. "I'll do it. I've got great aim. And you're too sensitive Micheal."

"I'm not too sensitive." Micheal said defensively, but even he didn't sound convinced.

"Oh, come on Micheal. You kept Will's necklace. I recognized it immediately." I told him and took the gun from him. "I'll shoot. That okay with everyone?"

No one argued. We all turned to Swindle and he was just staring into the store and at all the Infected inside. It was a moment before he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

"This is it. This is the end, my friends." He muttered as he opened his eyes again. "Devon, please tell everyone about how I died, not about how this all began. I'd rather be remembered for my selflessness than for my mistake. I am extremely sorry." None us knew what he meant, but Devon must've because he nodded.

"Good." Swindle said with a nod of his own. "Stay together, you guys. And stay strong. There's no telling how this nightmare will end, but hopefully it'll be better than my end." And with that profound sentence hanging in the air, Swindle took off running into the store.

The Infected didn't notice at first. Swindle did an excellent job of being quiet and he grabbed the four cans quite quickly. In fact, it was looking like he could run by without them noticing him at all. But, of course, there was no such luck.

An Indected ran around the corner of the back of store, from off where we couldn't see. It ran out and two or three others were following it. There was more than we could see at first which made this situation all the more terrible. All the other Infected had started to take notice of them and they too had began running. When Swindle was half-way back, they caught up to him.

Micheal and Devon had backed up behind me. Swindle threw the cans, two at a time, to us the minute the creatures reached him and Blake ran forward a little to pick them up. Then he ran behind me where Micheal and Devon were. And Swindle was punching the Infected, trying to keep them away but everyone knew he didn't stand a chance. If he wasn't infected before, he definitely was now.

All the Infected crowding around him blocked my view of the gasoline can, but they were quick and always moving. I had a clear shot, but it got blocked pretty quickly. If I wanted to nail it I would have to be fast. And Swindle had started to scream, disrupting my focus. I couldn't look directly at him and see what was happening, though I could guess. I had to do this now, before he got hurt too badly. His death didn't have to be painful.

Finally, the Infected cleared my view for a second and that's all that I needed. I clenched my jaw and let my finger squeeze the trigger. The bullet rang out and for one horrible second, I didn't think the can would explode. Maybe I missed? But then the store erupted with flames.

I turned and saw Devon and the others already running away. I was only a half step behind them and none of us looked back. I could feel the heat of the fire and the smoke filling the store behind me. I could see Infected running from whatever hole they had been hiding in towards the fire. They didn't give us a second glance, so we could run safely.

Edward Swindle may be dead, but he died so we could get what we needed and get to safety. He will be missed and thanked for how he died. And if we ever find some place safe again, we'll give him a real funeral.

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