The Beginning

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8 years ago February 12th there was a river barge and Jace and James were looking for Mia. Jace has Black hair and green eyes and is skinny.

Jace: MIIAAA!!!

James: Mia WHERE ARE YOU!?

Mia was on a wood over a barge and she was walking on top of it.

Jace sees Mia.


Mia turns around And the wood snaps in half She falls to the water and she moves down.

Jack Jumps in to save her.


Jace: Mia HOLD ON!!

She hits her head at a rock that knocks her out.


The river was at the end And Mia fell down the river.

Jace gets down there and he gets up.

Jace: Mia...Mia...Mia?!

He sees her body in the woods..

He ran to her and there was blood on her head. James runs down the hill.

James: Jace...Where is she?

He sees Jace holding her.

James : Oh god...Jace what have you done...

Jace: I'm so sorry....I shouldn't have Snapped at you.

8 Years later At this new appointment Jace was inside sitting.

Someone was talking.

His Doctor's therapy name is Mark.

Mark: And how are You Jace.

Jace is now 23 years old.

Jace has spiky hair. Tall and wearing a red shirt and Shoes and brown leather Jacket.

Jace's voice is deeper now. And he is more Barn staple and serious.

He gets off the chair and walks around talking to his therapy.

Jace: How am I?.. Oh I'm living the dream.. I went somewhere so I can train and I can come back after 3 years and since I came back a lot of things have changed. Salazar got more bodyguards and Wakko he's a cop now and bofe my sister's death The cops put me James and Mia in this tower, and everytime we tired to get to school or get outside a doctor name scratchansniff and a nurse and this guard named Ralph putting us back in the tower... And after they finally did something with those sickos and then put us in a house where that salazar killed my sister,,, THen finally I called the guy that he can train me to... Well let's just say he trained me to help people!... I haven't seen Emma in a long time!

Mark: Let it all out.

Jace sits back down

Jace: I think I just Did....

Mark: Yakko... What happened to you years ago was trouble. But you are free now.. You're an adult... You have friends... A brother...

Jace: But no Job... No Girlfriend... Nothing...

Mark looks at his watch and sees it's 10:02.

Mark: Oh I see we have to finish this next week Mr. Warner.

Jace: Yeah Right Doc...Whatever you say.

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