The Suicides

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Jace went to bed and looked up.

He falls asleep and in his dreams it takes him to his memory.

It starts with 14 year old Jace in a hospital bed.

Mia and James next to Jace on the bed.

Jace has a mask on wires.

James: Jace... Please.. Please wake up.

Jace doesn't speak back. Mia sees the cults from under his arms.

Mia hugs Jacce.

Bruce walks in the room.

Bruce: He will be fine... It's just that... nothing... it would be better if I talk to him myself.

Jace gets up from the Bed wearing clothes now. He has his black pants and Red shirt and Black long jacket on and sees a house.

He slowly gets up and walks slowly to the house.

He opens the door and he walks to a kitchen.

He sees a woman on a table. He sees his mother.

Jace: Mo-


Jace sees his young self with Wakko and Dot.

Jace Neil to the ground in shame.

Jace: I promised to Protect them mam...But I failed to save Dot.

He gets up and the background turns dark.

Jace: I made a symbol for Mia and Our family Mam... A symbol that the world can call a devil to save them...A devil that can make rights... I am The Red Moon... I am The Justice...I...AM...THE RED DEVIL!!!

He woke up and there swept over him.

Jace puts his hand on his head with a serious face.

At the middle of the night Jace was on his bed thinking what is he going to do to the symbol called the Red Devil?

At the Town of RevageCity James was walking. At each side his phones were ringing and heblocks at the phone ringing.

He keeps walking past it and when he does the ringing stops.

When he was waiting at the walking light a phone boat was ringing and James was getting annoyed by it so he went in and answered it.

James: Hello.

Captain HAT!...You're a cop right?....Look to your right you see a camera looking at you.

James looks around and sees a camera on a building wall.

???: Follow where the camera points at.

He keeps looking at the camera and he sees it aiming at another camera at a shop.

???: Now look at that Camera....

He looks at that camera and it points at a car.

???: Get in the car and let it take you to me.

The car drove close to James.

James gets out the phone boat and gets in.

The car took him to an old Factory.

James gets out and walks to a person.

???: Hello Captain Hat...

James: You know like normal people...I got a phone....You could just ring me...

???: Do you know what a red Devil is?.

James: Ahh what now?...

??: Sorry have you not heard of The Red Devil...He's all over the news?...

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