Ravage City

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Jace leaves The appointment.

Jace Is on the bus.

A poster that bus drives pass says welcome to RevageCity.

Jace gets off the bus and goes to his apartment.

At The RCPD Aka Revage City Police Department.

All the cops are throwing the prisoners in cells.

One the prisoner graves the cop and does a head point gun.

Prioner: WHERE'S MY PILLS!!!

All the cops pointed their guns at the prisoner and two cops got off their chair. One is named Bullet and the another one is Jerome.

One cop was just watching and his name is Captain Tim.

James runs down the stairs.

James : Ah ah yeah... yeah look.. What you want?

Prisoner: I.. I need my pills.

James sees pills on a desk table. James slowly grabs them.

James : Are these your pills?

James hands them to the prisoner.

The Prisoner takes a drunk and down the pils.

Prisoner release the taste

Prioner: These ain't my pills.

Wakko graves the gun off his hand and knocks him.

The prisoner falls to the ground.

James: You ok Oliva.

Oliva: I'm Fine...

James: Alright lads now just put him in a cell and then.

All the cops jump on The prisoner.

James: What are you all doing?

Behind James Bullet and Jerome walks up to him.

Bullet: Amazing James just amazing But ugh.. Next time, shoot the sucker.

Jerome: There can be minds but you got scores.

Tim screams for James.

Tim: James My office NOW!.

James in Tim Office.

Tim: You attacked a prisoner without a guard.

James: Captain, he was using one of our members for a body shield.

Tim: Don't piss me off Wakko. NOW that we can arrest Salazar, prisoners think they rule us.

James: sir we can still go out and fight crime.

Tim: That's Why I can't let you attack people like that ever again.

James: Yes sir.

Tim: Good.. Now get out of my office.

James leaves his office.

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