Chapter 3

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No one's P.O.V
pain spread through his body as tears went down his ,what was left of, cheeks. Laughter spread and echoed in the basement as blood spilled on the floor. Right now blue cryed in pain and shame at how week he was. Ink roughly grabed blues broken hand and took a lighter to it, slowly bering it as blue scream, begged for mercy. His lower half was numb to everything exept pain. Evanchly blues hand dropped to the floor as his arm was snap3d roughly. Meanwhile ink thrusted vilently into blues pelvis and crushed his spine. Blood leaked across the hard stone floor, staining it. Ink grunted as he finished with blues pelvis and grabed his leg.

Blues eyelights became small as he screamed in agony as his leg was crushed and riped off. Ink grabed blues bandana and chocked him with it trying to get every last breath out of the scelitons non egsistent lungs as blue clawed inks hands with his one. Ink stopes grabing blues hand. Ink spoke harshly "we can't have that now can we?" Ink smiled as he slowly riped blues hand off. Blue screamed as tears stained his cheeks even more. Ink chuckled and gripe blues face, digging his fingers into blues cheeks. Blue silently cryed and looked up at ink. "Your such a little worthless pile of bones arnt you. I knew I should have never created you. " ink scoffed.

Blue crys became soft as he came to the truth, he is worthless isn't he? Nothing compared to someone important like error or dream or nightmare and his little family. He was nothing compared to them... right? Blue snaped out his thoughts as he was slammed against the brick, bloody'd wall. "I'll be back soon. Don't worry you'll get what you deserve." Ink smiled as he walked out the door, closing it behind him and leaving blue alone in the pitch black dark.
Blue felt weird and cold. It wasn't a normal chill it was like his soul had become frezen. Like that little bit of hope inside him died. He never wanted this. All he wanted was for ink to understand and see what he's doing is wrong. But now he doubts that ink will ever see.Shaky breaths leave blues trembling body as he drifts off to sleep

*temi skip, a few days later, brought to you by temiflakes! temiflakes! A original breckfast. Temiflakes! There so good you can't taste them. Temiflakes in your mouth! And my bad story's :3*

Blue jolted awake from a harsh bitch slap from ink. Ink towered above blue as the little one shakes in fear. He was mortorfide for what could happen next. "Hehe I think it's time we ended this." Ink chuckles as he clamps retainers on blues arms and untys him. Blue however was to week to move and hit the squid on the head and run, Or even just run, he just wanted to leave. "Get up" ink domanded as he scaweled at the smaller. He tryed, he really did, but he just couldn't move. The taller groned in anoyance as he roughly drags the beat up skeleton up to a pole going horozantly. At this point blue couldn't even wiper as he's nonegsistent vocal cords were torn to shreds from his crys of agony. blue didn't want to know what would happen next.

Errors P.O.V

I layed in the antivoid knitting a nice little new bandana for blue as his always looked so rugged as he did fight nightmare and the fam afteral. Not like they actually hit eachother on perpos. Seeking of the little berry I haven't seen him at all resantly and ink has also stoped creating for a bit. I have a bad feeling that inks doing something with blue but I just can't tell. I've serched high, low, in, out, left, right, everywhere! But still no little berry. I can't stop thinking of something bad happened to him. Maybe I'm just666words paranoid. That's just it right? Yer..... ok no somethings up. I moan in anoyance as I can't stop worrying. Shouldn't I take this as a nice holoday not a worry day? I meen ink stoped creating and that hardly ever happens! I'm just glad I don't have to destroy any AUs.

I look down at the bandana to see that i have messed up. Growling in fustration a chuck It away into the void. Where nothing comes back. It's like a bottomless pit, I think? All I know is that alarently it's painful if you fall in. To be honest I think I know more about the void than a u-tent-sal? You-tents-Al? Whatever there called and plats. I still don't understand why people and monsters use them. Nightmare said it was to keep everything cleen but if so why not eat off the table and then just cleen that instead of 1000 plats??? Guess I'll never understand but oh well all I need is my sweet sweet chocolate and undernovela to keep me going.

(Hay my coffee beans •v• I hope you had a fabulous day and I love u all ♡♡♡)

(941 words :3 (tryed to get 1000 ok I'm just having wrightwers block and ughhhhhfsgsgrvdidb.) )

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