Chapter 10

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Error tackles Nightmare on the floor holding him down, he raised his hand in the air into a fist then punch down to Nightmare, a big thud echoed in the dome then cracks formed, Nightmare turns his face to the side looking at Error's fist that punched the floor by his cheek.

Nightmare looks up seeing his eyes of his anger staring down at him, he grabbed Error's shoulders and rolled, holding Error down under him. They stared at each other shocked that turned into Error starts tearing up and Nightmare with a sad regretful face, he said "I got dragged into a deal that I couldn't avoid, and the boys got involved. I had to make the hardest decision, and that decision broke all of us, especially when we watched you die in front of us.... I'm so....... so sorry Error"

Error looks away closing his eyes not wanting to look at him, he struggled to hold in his tears that tried to come out. Nightmare lays his forehead on Error's collarbone, he gently laid on top of him and said "Please say something"

Error's arms shield his face hiding his eyes not able to hold in his tears any longer, he slightly turns his body away from Nightmare automatically needing to protect his soul, but it was hard cause Nightmare laid on top of him.

Nightmare does a small push up looking down seeing Error hiding half of his face, he lets go of the floor then held Error's arms lifting them above Error's head seeing his eyes full of tears and a heart aching pain all on his face.

Nightmare lets go of Error's arms, he looked surprised that Error is crying in front of him, he moved his hands reaching out to Error and slides his hands behind Error's back lifting him up against their chest and the other hand gently went up holding Error's back head guiding his face to the crook of his neck. They were silent for a moment, then Nightmare heard Error sobbing softly as he grips onto Nightmare's clothes.

Error and Nightmare stayed in this position for a while, both tense with each other's presence because of their past but no one let go of each other.

For a while no one moved they both felt comfortable and anxious. Then suddenly Nightmare puts Error back down gently on the floor and stood up. Error sat up wondering what is Nightmare going to do, he watched Nightmare turn away and his tentacles grabbed the bars lifting them up but then froze. Nightmare looks back at Error seeing him staring with a heavy heart on his face. Nightmare said "I'll be back"

Error didn't reply but Nightmare looked at him wanting Error to say something, he wanted his silence to end and speak the truth about what he wanted, But Nightmare didn't get what he wanted, he only got silence. Nightmare turns away and left the dome then disappeared from behind the wall.

Error listens to Nightmare walking away, he focused on his feet up to a point that is too far away it sounded faint, then it disappeared.

Error stared at the spot Nightmare disappeared behind the wall, he stayed still unable to move cause of his heavy heart, it felt so heavy it weighed him down glued to the floor, then the loneliness hit him.

Being alone was also hard and he couldn't get rid of it. Error pulled his knees up against his chest, the loneliness got to his soul, painfully reminding him of the pain about his family. How he got abandoned and betrayed, how he was lied too and was sacrificed for the multiverse to live a better life. This was so hard for him.

Hope never said it was going to be easy, but he wished Hope said it is easy and there's going to be no pain involved with the journey.

Error laid back down on the floor and slept with Nightmare's scent held strongly on him, he didn't have any more tears to cry in the moment, but he did still had his dried tears staining his face.

As time went by Error opened his eyes feeling a lot better, he sat up and looked around his room to see anyone around. He got up off the floor and went to the bars checking out the dome, then deeply sighs out of his nose bridge, he looks at the bars and touches them having nothing happening.

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