Chapter 3

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The two broke away for a moment, catching their breaths while staring back at each other, embarrassed smiles across their flushed faces, and each reminiscing about what they were doing only a few seconds ago, eager to continue.
"Wanna do it again?" Marco asked, now holding Janna by the waist as she held him with her arms around his neck, not having to look up at him due to her being on her toes.
"Totally." She responded, moving towards him as he followed suit, and both coming together once more. Every second of this moment had felt like it slowed to fractions, but soon felt short once it was over.
"Okay, one more time." Janna said as they continued. The pier started to liven up as the sun had fully gone down and the lights of the town filled every inch of darkness, but the two had still been unseen by everyone who mostly walked within the main confines of the attractions. All, except the girl who stared at them from a distance. Quite a distance, actually, since she still stood in the alley she hid in from those laser tag employees earlier. Though the night grew darker and the alley became gloomier, she still stood there.
Despite every negative emotion she had consuming every fiber of her being, she was expressionless. It looked as if she was just watching a television show on that picture box that sat in the living room of her home away from home. Had she had her wand in her hand, the entire pier would have been leveled, as everyone on it would succumb either to the height of the fall or the crashing waves of the rising tide below. All she could to was clench her fist tighter, trying to look away but unable to, glued to her own madness.
"Alright, maybe we should get home." Marco said, finally separating after what felt like an eternity to their observer. Janna agreed, and they walked out of view from the eye with Janna leaning on Marco, holding his arm, and his head leaning on hers. The eye disappeared, leaving Star staring at the brick wall that sat in front of her, though she still hadn't looked away. Thoughts here and there drifted through her mind. Things she wanted to do if either of them were in front of her right now. She almost wished she'd brought her scissors.
She finally lifted her feet off the ground, moving to pick up her wand from the puddle it sat in. She could see her reflection clearly. Though she hadn't made the slightest expression to her face, she had been crying. An awful lot it seemed. She wiped them from her face to hide the weakness that was held inside, squashed by the hate and anger that raged like burning propane. Burning something felt really good right now, but it was the one thing she was able to stop herself from doing. She summoned her cloudy spell, which attempted to start a conversation but was met with silence. She pointed towards home, which he proudly flew towards.

"Y'know I was able to work things out with my parents." Janna said, almost in a whisper due to how close she was to Marco.
"So that means you gotta go then, huh?" Marco asked.
"Maybe I can work something out." She responded, poking Marco's side which squeaked a giggle out of him. "But for real, I've had such a great time with you this weekend."
"Me too. This is probably the best weekend of my life." Marco said, looking at the Stars that were barely able to peak through the bright lights of their California town.
"Even better than that time we put Flex Glue on every teacher's chair and they had to cancel school because most of the teachers had a chair stuck to their butt?" Janna said.
"Oh man, I forgot about that. They had to cancel an extra day because some of the glue stuck too deep and they had to get a blowtorch." Marco replied, laughing at the memory of teachers screaming around with a chair stuck to their quarters. "That was back in fifth grade, how do you remember?"
"Well I remember a lot of the things we've done together... man I really am a creep." Janna said, saying the last part almost quietly. Marco laughed at this remark.
"I find it kind of nice actually. I never knew you liked me this much. At all in fact."
Janna looked at him, who was still looking at the night sky. "Yea, blockheads tend to miss clear hints." She said.
"Hey, you're still a creep." He joked.

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