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I love the rain so I thought I'd write a poem about it☺️

The clouds move in overnight slowly darkening overtime.
When morning comes the raindrops slowly start one by one dropping to the earth falling onto the ground. The clouds move in overnight slowly darkening overtime.
When morning comes the raindrops slowly start one by one dropping to the earth falling onto the ground. They slowly come one after another falling faster, and faster, the rain now pounding against the pavement splashing up falling back down again. Lighting spreads across the sky like the clouds are breaking open as thunder booms shaking the earth startling people across the city. After hours of rain pouring over the city thunder starts coming further and further apart meaning the storm is finally coming to a halt. The rain keeps pouring but slower and slower by the minute. A few moments later and the rain is no more and all that's left is the raindrops on the ground and the puddles waiting for someone to leap into them. However the morning after, the rain is no more and the puddles have receded into the clouds for the cycle to start over again.

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