Chapter One

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The sky was a light grey, and a beam of light shot across my face. The weather was gloomy like it always is in the Summer.  

I have been coming to Brooklyn Book Shop since the summer of 9th grade. Now I'm going into 11th and the book shop has been a place I spend most of my time. 

I sit in my usual spot, the big brown leather chair near the front of the shop. Inside, it looks exactly as it would it one of those Romance novels, very small, but charming. There are books on every surface possible, and even piles on the floor. Today, I was reading a book called, "Life" it was an autobiography by a writer I like.

I hear footsteps coming towards me, but I'm so immersed in my book that I could care less who.

"Is that any good?" A boy's voice says.

It was William. His grandfather owned the book store, and he was almost here as much as me. "My father is good friends with the writer, Kendall Branson, is it?" 

William was fairly attractive, who am I kidding, that's a lie. He was very attractive. He was probably around 6 feet tall and had brown fluffy hair, which he wore in a middle part. William had deep green eyes and fair skin, which was now tanned since it was summer. We are the same age, but we barely talk. 

My phone began to ring, and it was my mom. 

"Hi Gwen, I'm so sorry, but I need you home. Jacob is still sleeping, and he won't wake up, so I need you to assist with dinner." my mom says to me through the phone.

"OK, I'll be there soon," I said hanging up, I quickly ran out of the Book Shop and down the street to my apartment. 

I live in Brooklyn, so all of my friends this summer aren't home. But, it's only the first week, so I have time to make new ones. 

As I run down the street and past the shops and restaurants, I feel the rain drizzling from above. I quickly threw on my hood from my sweatshirt and ran inside.

Once I was home, I changed out of my jeans and hoodie and put on a white tank top and navy sweatpants. I threw my wavy brown hair into a claw clip and went out of my room and into the kitchen. 

"Gwen, cut these onions please." My mom said handing me a cutting board,  knife, and a purple onion. My mom was very pretty, everyone says we look alike. We have the same hazel eyes and hair. 

By now it was around 6, and we just finished cooking. Tonight for dinner was salad and penne ala vodka. As my Mom, Brother, Dad and I sat around our table, we lit a candle and ate dinner. 

At around 6:30 we had all finished, my brother disappeared into his bedroom and my parents cleaned up. I went back into my room to look for my book, and it wasn't there. As I tear apart my room, I hear a knock on the door. My parents had just gone into their room, and it was their TV night, so they weren't coming out anytime soon. 

I go to the front door and open it, to see William standing there, wearing grey sweatpants and a hoodie, holding my book.

"You left this in the shop today, I found it when I was closing-read it on the way here, not horrible." He says as he hands me the book and as I grab it, our hand's touch- but only for a second.

We stood there in awkward silence for a minute.

"Do you want to come in? It's not like I have any plans tonight." I said half-kidding.

"Why not." He says walking into my apartment.

This is the most we have ever talked to each other. Maybe I had a friend now. We sit down on opposite ends of the couch. 

1,000 Pages- Isabella Sage OriginalWhere stories live. Discover now