The prank war

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Sabrina's POV 

I woke up and heard a scream! Then, seconds later, I was petrified to find out it was my scream! Why, would you ask? Oh, maybe because I was in a river! Yes, puck went so far to put my bed in the river while I was sleeping. I turned my head around, and screamed LOUDER! I WAS GOING TO GO DOWN A WATERFALL!!!!!!!!! I started flailing my arms in the water! Suddenly I was falling.... and falling.... and falling. Two terrifyingly long minutes later, I. Was. SOAKED!!!! "... PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs while shaking my fist. I used my bare hands to climb the rocks at the waterfall. Water slipped me down, but I  continued going up. My hands got scraped, and scratched, but I continued. When I finally came to the Grimm house, I marched, still soaked, all the way up to puck's room, pushing Daphne out of the way. Daphne's eyes widened. "OOOOH! PUUUCK! YOUR IN TROUBLE!" I ignored her and continued storming all the way up the stairs. When I finally got to the 5th floor, I pounded on the door. "Jeez, Grimm! Calm down" I heard this and turned red with anger, and I could feel the steam coming out of her ears. "PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!" I yelled so loud, Elvis ran, and tried to hide in a mouse hole. The door Would. Not. Budge. I yelled and kicked the door open! Puck's head flew around, and when he saw Sabrina, he did something that was actually smart. He ran. He ran, he jumped and then he remembered, oh yeah. I can fly! He kicked his feet off the ground as his (as I say) disgusting ugly wings sprouted out of his back "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I hate you, fairy boy!" I ran, and grabbed his feet before he could fly out the window, and SLAMMED him to the floor. "RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" I yelled for no apparent reason. That was the last time he put my bed in the river!

The sisters Grimm 'puckabrina'Where stories live. Discover now