Chapter 5: Double or Die

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"Any units in the vicinity, we've got a 10-31 on Lundgren. I repeat, we've got a 10-31 on Lundgren. Suspects are perceived to be donning an assortment of suspicious attire, including clown and animal masks, and are considered armed and dangerous. Any available units, please respond as we are requesting backup immediately."

As Lt. Hughes and the attractive-looking detective riding with him listened to the dispatch on the radio, they each shared a look of concern. Ever since that chance encounter with the annoying writer, those press types could be as vexing as mosquitoes, the two have been on edge with suspicions that something sinister or calamitous was going to occur.  They had received a tip off on a case they were partnered up on and another incident had derailed their lead for the time being. Sighing,  Hughes gripped the steering wheel tightly as he glanced ahead at the grayish twilight, the horizon tinged with the dark velvet of the sunset. The streetlights were the only source of lighting on the gloomy road the two investigators were taking to their destination.

"I suppose Okoye's tip will have to go on the backburner for the time being.  We are going to have to take care of this. I had a feeling something would go down today."

Detective Tan only nodded and stared out the window.  "I can't argue with that.  I sense that the wretched presshound is somehow connected to it. You think her behavior at the station was enough to warrant suspicion? "

"I do now that you mention it." Lt. Hughes pulled a U-turn, coming close to the fence of a nearby ranch house, as he sped down the sparsely traveled road.  "We will investigate the hackette and her intentions once we take care of this issue."


"Sir, everything is in order. We are set to proceed with your ploy. "

"Excellent." Agony, seated in his mahogany chair in the Syndicate quarters, folded his hands as he watched one of his henchmen, a man named Tom, through his silver Ipad. The strongman was seated in the driver's seat of a Rolls Royce van with his partner Louis beside him.  "Have the officers who've been paid off leave on some sort of 'errand' or 'distress call'?"

Tom, a dark-haired man in his early thirties, nodded.  "Affirmative. I can see them zoom off in their squad cars. Those who had refused the offer you sent me and Louis to deliver have remained  behind."

The British crime lord chuckled as he intertwined his fingers.

"That's quite unfortunate-for them, that is. They will serve as the casualties on the vigilante's depraved attack on Oakville station. Excellent work, you two. Greenlight the attack."

"At once, sir!"

As soon as the connection was severed, Agony glanced over at his personal aide, flanked by two armed guards in flak jackets.  He motioned over to her to come over to him. 

"Celeste, would you be a dear and advise me if the diversion has been initiated?"

His hazel-eyed assistant nodded in affirmation.  "Yes, Brutus and his guys have begun their attack." 

"Excellent." The British crime shark intertwined his fingers. " Our person of interest, the nightly news, nor the law enforcement that refused our stimulus proposition will be any wiser to the real purpose of this attack. They can broadcast it for all of Oakville, but once the event that is much more newsworthy surfaces the next morning, the term breaking news will take on a more material air. Now, for the last request of the night before I turn, I request you bring out my recently acquired bottle of Sweet and Spicy Benedictine. Our upcoming triumph calls for it."


"Hello, who's there?"

The officer, a rookie on the force, was standing guard outside the station when he thought he saw a shape outlined in the dim orange lamplight of the early evening  approach him.  Under the dreary atmosphere of the few silvery clouds,  the officer could make out the 6 foot tall form of a man clad in military gear, complete with dogtags and a dark trenchcoat, whose face was encased in a gas mask with eyeholes glowing like the brightest street lamps on Ennis Lane. His eyes grew wide upon shining his flashlight on the ominous figure.

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