Chapter 2: Known as Agony

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"Hello, this is Rupert Hedgerington the Third speaking. How may I be of assistance for you tonight?"

The ambitious yet calculating corporate C.E.O. leaned back in his leather seat as he held his phone with an ebony leather case to his ear. The mainstream media, his rivals, or even student activists may consider him corrupt and soulless, but he considered himself persistent, diligent, and unwavering in pursuit of his objections. He would stop at nothing to achieve his goals, even bending the rules or working outside of the law, and it wouldn't affect his conscience one bit. Ever since he had that accident five years back, he had seen what true darkness was like and nothing fazed him anymore.

"Mr. Hedgerington, I hope I'm not pestering you at this hour as I figure it'd be late over in the United Kingdom."

"No worries, it is only 9 pm. " Rupert straightened his tie and pushed his glasses up onto his nose. "Please inform me of who I am speaking to."

"Forgive me, sir, but this is Don Sarengetti of the Syndicate's Top Brass. " The voice had a raspy Brooklyn accent that Agony had heard when he was on a business venture in the States." There is an urgent matter that we, me and the other Dons, that is, believe needs to come to your attention."

"You are asking me for a favor?" Mr. Hedgerington blinked, running a hand through his dark hair.

"I am not sure if it is considered a favor to ask for assistance in resolving an issue."

"Perhaps there is another method of remedying your problems," Mr. Hedgerington crooned.

"Go on, I am listening. As are the other Dons."

"You understand that you aren't the only Syndicate of Organized Crime in the world, right? I am currently brokering a deal with the British branch to collaborate with our interests. In other words, if you ever run into issues, you can rely on the Dons of the U.K. After all, can you tell me why the local crime lords in your province united instead of going at each other's throats like you did previously?"

It took a moment before the American on the other end replied. "So we can work together to build our underworld empire and offer each other assistance should the need arise. We figured that a strong brotherhood was more constructive than age old rivalries and constant turf wars.

Hedgerington chuckled, the left side of his face forming into a smirk. "There you go, Perhaps you could form a kinship of sorts with the your British counterparts. You know how much bribing and persuasion had to go into getting the local mafia bosses to set aside their differences and work together? Thankfully, when I reached out to you lot, you had already mended your past grievances and banded together to run an invisible empire right under the authority's noses. I am working on getting the European branches to take the same steps you had. Perhaps in the near future, you guys can work alongside each other in one vast underground empire."

"But how is that going to solve our quandary?" The voice rasped.

"Were you not paying attention to me this whole time, imbecile?" The unscrupulous businessman hissed. "I have orchestrated a possible link between you and your European counterparts, but it will only benefit you if you have the sagacity to utilize it."

"Sagacity? You getting fancy on us?"

"Why do I have such high expectations for you plebeian numbskulls?" The criminalistic mogul groaned. "Seriously, what is your issue? How bloody important is it that you come wailing to me like a schoolboy while the night is young?"

"It's easier for us to show you than to speak of it over the phone," the accented voice responded.

Hedgerington gripped the phone tightly. "If you are asking me to hurry my arse over to Heathrow this instant-"

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