Ch.3: Proposal denied

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"We are live from Wade Middle School here in Oakville. We have reports coming in of a brazen hostage crisis involving the Caputo cartel. Eddy Caputo and his gang have taken over the school and are holding the staff and students hostage at gunpoint. The reason for his motives isn't clear and demands haven't been brought forth yet.  Andrew, we will turn to you for the aerial coverage- Hold it, this just in! Breaking news! A lone figure has left the building from Wilson street! Andrew, can you get a better shot?"

Sandro Lombardi nearly choked on his chocolate milkshake as he watched the news with his best friends Anthony Wheeler, Joe Maggio, and Nick Lieber. The 16 year old juniors from Lee High were chilling at Archie's Diner afterschool, after all, it was located a couple blocks down Stanley street, when the news report came on.

"Incoming reports! Caputo and his men are reported to be found dead! We have yet to confirm-Hold it, was that Poison Gas?"

"Dayum, the bro with the gas-mask wacked all those druggos?" Anthony's jaw dropped. " Incredible! I wouldn't be able to take on even one."

"Nor would we all." Joe shook his head.

"Not even the cops would attempt to mess with the Mob or the cartels, " Nick added. "How does this dynamo do it?"

"Told you all he was quite something." Sandro smirked. "Maybe he should replace the security forces of Oakville. "

Alessandro Lombardi had admired the badass scourge of the Underworld and had personally looked up to him in order to stand up to anytype of injustice. Ever since he was 12, Sandro was never fearful of standing up to bullies and punks and even stood up for those who couldn't do so for themselves all because of his childish acclaim for Oakville's shady vindicator. Part of the reason he cheered on the masked man each time he made a criminal bite the dust was the anger he had when his father, a known firefighter, was killed when Syndicate capos had their soldiers fire on his unit for reasons unknown today.  He secretly hoped that Poison Gas was accomplishing what the police couldn't or wouldn't, and avenging his father in the process.

"I wouldn't go that far, but you are onto something. The dude has taken out three times more criminals than any security force in the city," Nick explained.

"It's because he doesn't take prisoners,"Joe pointed out.

"Don't you think it's better for the city or the world for that matter, that way?" Anthony challenged.

"Um, want to come over to my place for band practice? My mom is making gnocchi for dinner."

The high schooler was glad to change the subject as it was getting touchy for his friends. Once they agreed, they were on the way to practice for the Battle of the Bands event at Lee High that weekend.  Sandro really wanted to win this one.


Excellent, he is made of sturdy material alright. It is breathtaking how he was able to to take out a dozen drug runners without killing a single hostage. He has the mettle of a one man cavalry. This all worked out ideally. 

"Sir, you need to see this! The lad you earmarked has slaughtered the cartel employed by the Syndicate."

Glancing up from his new desk hidden in the upper layer of the Syndicate's base of operations, Rupert Hedgerington, now going by the moniker Agony,  saw his frizzy-haired aide Celeste enter the room, a smart phone in her hand. She was one of the few aides that he had posted here to keep tabs on the Syndicate and report to him in order to alert the top shark of the Syndicate in case one of these Dons got any delusions to act out of line. Agony's aide then presented him the video one her phone. It was the same one he had relayed to his computer before she barged in.

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