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(I changed "you to "I"
"Oh my god" I  said to yourself while you quickly get you attention from him, "ah! Your new aren't you?" My art teacher said "yes"  said quietly "well hello! I'm your new art teacher Mr.Frank!" I'm Thea" I answered him. 'Look like the only Place left is next To Tom, don't worry he is one off the top students in the class" I was literally so annoyed With him that you wanted to hit Tom. I put my bag on the floor while crashing down in the seat next to him, he smelled like cologne, like a man kind off. The teacher said we were supposed to draw something we feel like is the most beautiful thing or creature we have ever seen. You put  your papers down and started drawing a landscape picture, this was a place with a little waterfall where  I used to read my books in peace, only me no one else, it was peaceful the only thing you could hear was nature. I looked over to see what Tom was drawing, he was drawing me! Me with curly brown hair that reached my breast, my brown eyes! My long lashes. How could he think I was the most beautiful creature he has ever seen I still have some small acne scars on my face, I don't have a perfect nose. I said " hey why are you drawing me?" "What do you think, you're the most gorgeous creature I've ever seen!" "Really? I mean look at me!" "Look at what you look dazzling from the sun shining on you trough to window" I blushed.

Tom and me always forever...or so I thought..Where stories live. Discover now