The Nagging Thought

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*Can I just say that this means the world to me, I'm so great full that so many people like this story, I am in #1 for Marc x Nathaniel today, May 20th 2021, so thank you all*

Narrator: Marc was walking into art class, eger to work on the next comic with Nathaniel. Mark always got nervous when he thought about Nathaniel, in fact, he was so caught up in his thoughts he didn't notice that he had run into Nathaniel making them fall on top of each other.

Marc: "O-oh sorry N-N-Nathaniel" he had a slight blush on his face.

Nathaniel: "It's fine Mark, let's just go into the art room" 

Narrator: No matter what Marc did, he always found a way to think of Nathaniel, but could just never find a way to tell him. He knew he had to stop thinking about him, but was almost impossible. He thought about him when he was writing, eating, sleeping, even in the shower, which was very disturbing. But today the thought was very strong.

Nathaniel: "Earth to Marc!"

Marc: "O-oh was I slacking of? Sorry," he let out a small chuckle.

Nathaniel POV: 'Why is he so cute'

Marc POV: 'He's staring at me. Oh god what do I do?!'

Narrator: Marc and Nathaniel stared at each other. Suddenly Marc snapped out of it,

Mark: "ummm....S-o what do you think of this for the comic...?"

Nathaniel: "Oh uhh... it great I really like it."

Marc: "T-thanks Nath,"

Art Teacher: "Everyone, I have sad news."

Narrator: Everyone looked at him in curiosity

Art Teacher: "Because of budgets we will need to shut down the art room for a few months,"

Marc: "So how are we uh... supposed to work on the comic now?"

Nathaniel: "We could always work on it at my house, can you come over now?"

Marc: "I-I don't know, let me ask my mom."


Marc: Hey mom?

Marc's Mom: yes sweetie?

Marc: Can I go over to Nathaniel's house? We work on the school comic together.

Marc's Mom: of course sweetie 

Marc: Thanks mom!

*Real life"

Marc: "She said yes..."

Nathaniel: "Ok Come on!"

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