Happy Birthday Mom!

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Narrator: Marc ran through the city, and to an old part of the city. (Kind of like Marinettes Grandfathers neighborhood if you know what I mean). He came to a stop at the end of the street, and walked up to the house.

Marc: "Hey Mom, I'm home!"

Narrator: Marc's mom came in from the kitchen, she had black hair and green eyes just like Marc, she also had a cast on her leg.

Marc's Mom: "Hi sweetie, I'm sorry about dinner, all we have are cheese and tomatoes. I forgot to go to the store again."

Marc: "it's perfectly fine Mom, I already ate, and you need food too. I can go to the store right now, while your eating,"

Marc's Mom: "Ok sweetie, if you say so,"

Marc: "I'll see you in a bit!"

Narrator: Marc took the grocery list from the fridge, and walked out the door.

Marc: "It's Mom's birthday today, I should get her something. Something that will keep her company while Dad is working, and I'm at school."

Narrator: he stopped at the store.

Marc: "There is a pet store next to here, maybe I should get Mom a cat,"

???: "Marc?"

Narrator: Marc turned around and saw Nathaniel behind him.

Marc: "O-oh hey,"

Nathaniel: "what are you doing here?"

Marc: "I'm getting groceries, that is what the grocery store is for."

Nathaniel: "Right, that was a stupid question."

Marc: "Well.....I need to go, bye Nath!"

Nathaniel: "Bye Marc."

Narrator: Marc got what he needed and payed. He came up to the pet store and went inside. There were so many animals, from birds, to fish, to frogs, to hamsters. And right in the back of the store, the cats. Marc walked up and saw a black cat, with blue eyes and a white spot on its eye. Marc walked over to an employee and asked him for the cat.

Store Employee: "Sure kid, what are you gonna name it?"

Marc: "um....what gender is it."

Store Employee: "It's a boy."

Marc: "Then I guess Murphy,"

Store Employee: "Murphy?"

Marc: "Yeah"

Narrator: The employee gave him a weird stare, which made Marc nervous. He took the cat from the employee, bought the stuff, and got out of the store.

Marc: "Perfect, Dad will be home soon!"

Narrator: Marc ran home, and was surprised to see his fathers car in the driveway.

Marc POV: 'Strange, he usually gets home by 6, what time is it?'

Narrator: Marc looked at his watch, and to his surprise, it was 6:34. Marc ran up the steps.

Marc: "I'm sorry I'm so late!"

Marc's Father: "Shut it! I hope you got your mother a present."

Marc: "I-I did..."

Narrator: Marc handed the carrier over to his mother, when she opened it, she smiled brightly.

Marc: "Happy Birthday Mom!"

Marc's Father: "Go to your room now, and get started on your essay,"

Marc: "But, Dad I don't have an essay."

Marc's Father: "You do now, and don't call me 'Dad' call me 'Sir' or 'Father'."

Marc: "Y-yes Father..."

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