Where my story begins

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"Dude, stop this."

scarlet-spider easily sidestepped the steel pipe that was swung at his head and jabbed his left fist forward into the mugger's face, sending him flying through the air before he crashed against a brick wall and crumpled in a unconscious heap.

Snatching up a fallen purse with his webs, y/n held out the bag for the lady hiding behind him. "Here you are, miss. Are you okay?"

"Y-yes." She muttered before her lips twitched into a small smile. "Thank you, Scarlet-spider."

"No problem. Call the police on this idiot and get home safely...I'd avoid walking through the alleys at night in the future though."

The woman laughed as she gave the webslinger a friendly hug. "I'll remember that. Thank you again, Scarlet-spider."

y/n nodded and watched her walk into a nearby convenience store before he wall crawled up to the roof of the building.

"y/n, Hawkeye has been calling you continously for the past ten minutes." Karen informed. "Shall I patch him through?"

"shit! I forgot! Patch him through, Karen."

A tiny screen popped up on his hud...with a scowling Clint in the centre of it all.

"Where the hell are you, kid? Did you forget we had a meeting scheduled today?"

Scarlet-spider sheepishly scratched the back of his head. "Sorry Barton. I was busy stopping these thieves when you started calling and I sort of forg-"

"Save the excuses, Parker. Just get your ass here already...Cap's annoyed as it is."

Clint abruptly hung up. Scarlet-spider let out a sigh before he began to websling his way to the Avenger's compound.

"Are you okay, y/n?" Karen asked, her voice sounding very concerned.

"Yeah...just not looking forward to another evening of most of the Avengers looking at me like I'm a mistake."

Not many people were aware but the A.I. cared very much for y/n and she did everything in her power to make sure the young man was alright both physically and mentally. If only Clint bothered to let her owner explain, he would've known Scarlet-spider had been busy stopping one of the twelve muggings and two attempted robberies that occurred tonight when he called.

For anyone other than some of the hardheaded Avengers, they would've at least understood why y/n was running late.


"I'm so sorry, Captain. I was-"

y/n stopped talking as Steve raised his hand and looked at him with a stern glare. "Kid, you have to learn to be on time. These meetings are important and if you're not here for all of it, there's a good chance you might miss crucial details."

"But I-"

Captain Rogers folded his arms. "No buts. You start coming in on time or I'll suspend you from the team, understood?"

Most of the other Avengers silently agreed with the Captain and were looking at the webslinger as though it was a mistake for him to even be here. The only exceptions were Vision, who just smiled at him politely while the Scarlet Witch and the Black Widow glared at the team for accusing scarlet-spider of being lazy when he was anything but.

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