Rescuing Rose part one

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Edward is worrying about me he doesn't know what to do he called everyone but none was replying. Then they came over too. My dad was working so he was alone. The door bell rings. It's Vanessa James and Alex they came first
Vanessa "What is wrong"
Edward "I can't find her and she left her phone here"
James "Maybe she is hiding from you"
Edward "Why she would hide from me"
James "You are annoying I would"
Vanessa "Shut up"
Alex "I'm sure she must be somewhere nearby"
The door bell rings again it's Emma and Tyler
Emma "She better have a good reason why she is missing"
Edward "What are we going to do"
Tyler "Maybe she went to visit her dad"
Edward "She never does that !"
Emma "We will find her" and she hugs him
Edward "It's not only that I checked her room and" he leads them to her room. They see a scratch on the wall.
Edward "I've found it after I called you. Someone hurt her. What if ?" he almost cried
Emma "it's the wolves they took her"
Edward "Why they would do that"
Emma "They don't want her they want you"
Vanessa "And they took the thing you loved her. I didn't know you loved her" she says with a confused tone she could never imagine that Edward would actually fall in love with me
Edward "I do"
James "Okay then we need a rescue plan"
Tyler "What do you have in mind"
Alex "We will need more people"
James "No we won't"
Vanessa "Come on"
James "They hate rose anyway. Well Tim doesn't"
Edward "Whatever they can come too"
Alex "Brooke and Tim are very powerful and Matthew is very smart we need them"
James "Fine I'll tell you the plan the morning"

[in the morning]
All nine (without me) went to my house
James "As you noticed Rose isn't here with us"
Brooke "As you noticed we have school. And as you noticed we should go because I'm not getting a detention"
James "She can go if she wants to"
Alex "Tell our plan James"
James "My plan.."
Alex "OUR plan"
James "Okay fine our plan" he says with a annoyed tone
Vanessa "Basically our plan is to take back Rose we will spilt in two teams..."

[Vanessa speaking]
Me James Tyler and Brooke are going to your father's bar. We will wait for him to come

all the three of them were were wearing jackets. Vanessa was wearing a blue jacket with a black skirt and she had straightened her hair. Brooke was wearing a pink one and she had her hair in a ponytail.
Brooke "I love your jacket! Where did you get it from?"
Vanessa "Thank you! I love yours too! So there is this store near the mall I got it with discount and I got another one like this"
Tyler "I'm sure your conversation is very very important but we are kinda on a mission here so shut up"
Vanessa "You are becoming my brother"
Tyler "Oh no"
James "Why is this a bad thing"
Vanessa "Look at the cute barman"
James "You have a boyfriend?!"
Vanessa "Since when do you like Alex"
Brooke "He is really cute"
Vanessa "Let's go talk to him"
James "No you won't"
Brooke "He might know something"
Tyler "Good idea"
James "No you won't he might be dangerous"
Tyler "He is really hot to be dangerous"
James "Whose side are you?"
Tyler "Oh yeah right"
Brooke "Vanessa he's right. Let me handle him"
James "No"
Brooke "Why do you care?"
James "Oh you can go"
Brooke "I'm a big girl I can handle him"
James "I'm sure you can"
Tyler "If you want backup..."
Brooke "I'm fine" and she opens her jacket
James "Isn't this too revealing" Brooke rolls her eyes and goes at the bar
Barman "Oh hi blondie. What a good girl like you doing here?"
Brooke "Well I might not be a good girl. You don't know me"
Barman "What do you want to drink"
Brooke "I don't know what do you have"
Tyler "She is really good"
Vanessa "Let's move so he won't figure out that we are with her"
James "How she can like him he looks like he hasn't showered in ages"
Tyler "He looks fineee"

Edward "Why they haven't called yet"
Matthew "They will don't worry"
Tim "Tyler says that your father hasn't come yet" he says looking at his phone
Edward "And what about Emma and Alex. I'll text them"
Matthew "No don't"
Edward "What if they hurt her"
Matthew "Don't worry everything will be alright. Alex and Emma will find where they are hiding her"
Tim "I have a text from Alex and Emma"

Alex "We never get to be at the same team"
Emma "Yes now stop talking" and they kept walking at the woods looking for Rose
Alex "I'm sorry"
Emma "Look" they hide behind the tree. There was an old motel and outside there were many werewolves
Emma "I can sense Rose"
Matthew "Okay looks like we found her"
Emma "Call Ed. Tell him to come when we will tell him. His dad hasn't leave yet"

Barman "so tell me what's your name blondie"
Brooke "You won't learn my name so easily"
James "You can't seriously like this dude" he says looking at Brooke and the barman with anger. Maybe jealously? But that's impossible
"And he is calling her blondie I'm cringing"
Vanessa "He is very attractive"
Tyler "Dreamy. But we came for another thing here"
Brooke "So you work for mr Martin"
Barman "Yes I do but enough with me"
Brooke "No I want to know more about you" and she touches his cheek
Barman "Well mr Martin has a son he is punishing and I'm stuck here at the bar"
Brooke "You know I really like you. Keith is it?"
Barman "Whatever you like blondie" he touches her hand
James "Okay that's enough he touches her" he gets up and goes in the bar
Vanessa "No come here" Vanessa and Tyler follow him
Barman "These are your friends"
Brooke "No"
James "Yes now excuse her she is coming with us"
Vanessa "No she doesn't"
Tyler "If she goes can I stay with him?"
James "Shut up Tyler"
Tyler "Fine no fun for Tyler"
Barman "What's your problem dude ? is he your boyfriend or something?"
Brooke "No not in million years"
James "I could never"
Barman "Then back off dude"
James "You back off"
Vanessa "Hey" she gets in the middle
Brooke "He is right I have to leave"
Barman "We will meet again blondie"
Brooke "I hope so"
James "No you won't"
Barman "Next time don't bring your tall snob dog with you"
Brooke "Trust me I'm never bringing him again with me" and they move away from the bar "Whats wrong with you? Are you high?"
James "No I just didn't like this guy"
Brooke "Well I've learnt useful things from this guy. I'm not yours to protect"
James "Good"
Brooke "Don't you have Katlyn anyway" she says with an angry tone. I thought she hated Katlyn because she shown disrespect to her "authority" but looks like she hated her because of James too
Vanessa "Okay stop it"
Tyler "Here is his dad"
Vanessa "Call Ed"

Rose "You can't keep me there"
Werewolf "Yes we can"
Rose "And what for"
Werewolf "We can't tell you"
Rose "Why?"
Werewolf "Because....because"
Rose "Do you know how boring it is to be here tied up at least let's play"
Werewolf "Okay I guess it's boring"
Rose "So there is this game Simon says when for example im Simon and I say to you things to do. But you have to untie me first"
Werewolf " do you think I'm stupid"
Rose "How I will play when I'm tied up"
Werewolf "You are right"
Rose "Okay you go first" and he unties her
Werewolf "Simon says to pick your nose"
Rose "Ew! Okay it's my turn Simon says to close your eyes for 1 minute" he closes his eyes and Rose quietly opens the door but there are many wolves outside so she sees the window and quietly gets out from there
Werewolf "Okay it's been a minute. Where are you? Oh no she ran away!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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