Nothing is over yet

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Rose's POV

I've spent my summer watching Netflix and avoiding Edward. We live in the same house now and it's kind of awkward. I didn't read my mother's letter yet, to be honest I am afraid of what it will say, I don't want to hear the truth anymore I am happy the way
I am. I close my diary and I go downstairs. I see my dad and Edward having breakfast I sit in the table with them
Sheriff "Goodmorning Rosalie"
Rose "Goodmorning dad"
Edward "So Toby are we going to play basketball this afternoon? Because you've been saying this for days but always something happens"
Sheriff "Today we will"
Edward "Maybe you are afraid because I will beat you"
Sheriff "Of course not"
Rose "Well today it's the party at Michelle's"
Edward "Ohh yeah well now I can't"
Rose "Anyway Edward I want you later to drive me to school"
Edward "Why?"
Rose "I'll have to show around the school to a new kid"
Edward "Who?"
Rose "I don't really know him"
Edward "Him?"
Rose "They said it's a boy"
Edward "Can I come too"
Rose "You go school there Edward"
Edward "But I don't show up that much"
I roll my eyes
Rose "I'm going to get ready" and I go upstairs

[At Old J's store Vanessa and Alex]
Vanessa "Today Old J and James are coming" she says excited while she is putting some books on the shelves
Alex "You still haven't told them about us"
Vanessa "Maybe"
Alex "Well you should they are coming today we can't keep hiding"
Vanessa "I will I will" and she kisses him. Meanwhile James and Old J enter the room. James is shocked but Old J seems like he was expecting it
Alex "Well you don't have to tell them anymore"
Old "I knew it"
Vanessa "Grandpa James this is not what you think it is"
James "Really it looks like you two are dating"
Vanessa "Okay maybe"
Alex "Yes we are"
James "Alex if you ever hurt my sister I'll kill you"
Vanessa "So how was your vacation"
Old J "It would be nice if James didn't complain all the time and didn't leave me alone in the night while he was outside with random girls"
James "Well I've had many conquests there"
Alex "Did you put them on your book too"
James "How do you know about the book"
Alex "Vanessa told me"
James "Vanessa !"
Vanessa "By the way this book is stupid. You are writing about all the girls you've slept with"
James "It's the conquest book" and he takes it off his backpack "Ten more on my list"
Vanessa "Why don't you call it the fuckboy book"
Old J "James reminds me of me when I was younger all the ladies wanted me" he says but I'm not sure if that's the truth, while Alex is opening the book. He turns to a page where Emma is. And as the tittle it had "The lesbian"
Alex "I've found the Emma page"
Vanessa "Hey !" and she turn to another page
"Brooke the queen bee" "I don't even like her in fact I hate her so much..." and he quickly takes the book from Vanessa before she reads the whole thing
James "It doesn't matter what it says"
Alex "Well I wonder how Emma would react if she finds about this"
Vanessa "I'll tell her she's my friend"
James "I don't really care we are friends with Emma I don't see her in that way anymore"
Alex "Okay I'll tell it to Brooke she..."
James "No don't you" Vanessa starts smiling
Alex "Anyway today we are going to a party"
Vanessa "You are coming too James it's a pool party"

[Marissa's room]
Tim and Marissa were kissing but Tim stops kissing her and he takes a serious face
Tim "We should stop that"
Marissa "And why?"
Tim "Your sister is coming back today"
Marissa "So what?" she knows the what but she doesn't actually cares
Tim "She isn't gonna like this ! This isn't just right"
Marisa "It's none of her business"
Tim "I was her boyfriend and we practically haven't break up yet"
Marissa "Do you still love my sister"
Tim "No I don't I stopped since a lot time ago"
Marissa "What do you feel for me" Tim freezes for a second he looks at Marissa and wishes he could tell her the truth but he is too coward to do that
Tim "I see you as a good friend" Marissa tries to hide her disappointment
Marissa "Well not that it matters" and she gets up and looks at the window "I haven't told you but I overheard my mother talking to yours she said you and Brooke are going to be engaged this year, maybe in the Christmas" she turns to him "they want to merge our families, they are the most powerful and known wizardly families here in Rosefalls" she looks him in the eyes now "I didn't tell you this before because I thought you would stand up for yourself but since you won't....Do you really want this"
Tim "This is how it's supposed to be" he says trying to convince her and himself
Marissa "Well then I guess our thing is over since you are going to be engaged to my sister"
Tim "Yes it is" he says trying to avoid eye contact because he was afraid of his true feelings about her
Marissa "Oh my sister is here by the way I saw her from the window so you better teleport to your room"
Tim "Yes that I should do" he says with a disappointed face

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