the begging of the end

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I am Vanessa , my life was perfect. I lived in one of the most beautiful cities in the world New York. I had the perfect boyfriend the perfect family the perfect friends. Until one night everything changed. But I'll tell you everything from the begging.

At my school. It was lunch time so me and my friends were siting in the strairs having lunch. Suddenly a very ugly girl walks in front of us, her name is Sheri and me and my friends make fun of her. If you ask me now I would never do that ever again
Vanessa "Ohh Sheri you are dressed like a nun today too isn't it your everyday outfit" the truth is I was obviously a horrible person
Cindy "Leave her Vanessa she is a loser she's never gonna change" and she puts more of her lipstick on. Cindy is my best friend she and my brother James were "dating" . The times he cheated on her are countless but I never told her I didn't care to tell her. I was kind of jealous of her she was prettier than me but I ruled. Anyway Sheri left and went to the bathroom probably to cry. When I remember what I did to her and to many other girls I feel shame. You shouldn't treat people this way I say to myself
After a while my boyfriend Chad comes. Chad is very attractive he has black hair and green eyes.
Chad "Hello babe" and he kisses me
Vanessa "How was the math class did the stupid teacher put you a B again"
Chad "Yes but my father will take care of him"
Chad sits next to me and then my brother James comes.
James "What he is doing here again"
Vanessa "Hmm he is my boyfriend"
James "I think I told you to not see him again"
Chad "Dude what's your problem"
James "Don't call me dude"
Chad "I don't wanna fight with you again James you are probably high"
Vanessa "Why don't you just leave James"
James "Fine I'll leave but you will ditch him one day I'm sure" and he leaves

At 21:00 in the house.
Our house was very big. We had a maid too she raised us her name was Mary. Me and James were at the living room waiting for mom and dad to come home so we can have dinner. The phone rings, when this happens isn't usually for good. Mary goes to pick up the phone. After some minute she was in tears. We ask her what happened she seemed pretty upset.
Mary "your...your....parents had an accident"
Vanessa "How are they are they okay"
Mary "No they...they...are dead"
I started crying I couldn't believe that. James hugged my and he start crying with me.

After some weeks our lawyer said that the closet relative what we have here is in an small town named Rosefalls, he is our grandfather James Anderson the third and his son Benjamin Anderson. We never heard of them not even once.
After almost 5 hours we arrived to a house which was a store too it was two minutes outside the town next to the river. In the sign was written "Old J's store". We got off the car and an old man was waiting for us. It was like an older version of James and Dad but the only difference is he had a beard.He was wearing a white flannel, black jean and a golden chain.
James "Oh my god this place is so pure"
The old man "Are you James and Vanessa?"
James "Depends on who is asking"
The old man "I'm your grandfather. You can call me Old J. Ben come to say hi to your niece and to your nephew"
After a while a middle age chubby man comes. He look kinda like Old J but not that much.
Ben "I'm so happy that you are here" and he hugs us
Old J "Okay now I'll show you the house"
"First we have the store which you will work sometimes" he move and we go to the living room. It was blue it had a couch and next to it, it was a chair and across the chair it was an old tv. Then we went to the kitchen and then upstairs and he showed our rooms. Out stuff was here a week ago and uncle Ben put them in our rooms so everything will be ready when we will arrive.

After a while I went downstairs in the shop. Ben was there.
Ben "Do you need anything?"
Vanessa "No thank you I'm fine and thank you for unpacking my stuff"
Ben "No problem. Can you do me a favor"
Vanessa "Sure"
Ben "Can you water the plants which are behind the store. Alex and Lisa aren't here yet so I have to stay at the store"
Vanessa "Yeah sure" I never watered plants in my life but how hard can it be?

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