Part 2: A Bunch of Strangers

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I opened my eyes and noticed morning had arrived again. I blinked my eyes twice to get used to the light shining into my room. Was last night at the road a dream as well? I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I combed my hair, brushed my teeth and applied some basic make-up. It was weekend and I had to do some grocery shopping. My fridge was almost empty and otherwise I would starve to death.

I locked my door and I turned around, only to bump into someone. My bag and keys fell, in front of me stood a man and as I looked up I saw the shadow figure. He looked just like the person from my dream.

'Watch where you are going!'

'Hey, you bumped into me! You should apologize.' The man yelled and I then saw a glimpse of his face.

His long dark hair, muscular appearance and wearing only a white t-shirt and ripped jeans. He had his hands in his pockets and it didn't seem like he was going to help me up. Grinning, he kicked my keys away and walked into another direction. I didn't know what just happened, I picked up my bag and started looking for my keys. I crawled, whilst looking for my keys, I heard footsteps and then I saw my keys. Right before picking them up a man's hand picked them up for me. I saw a pair of sneakers, sweat pants, and a sweater. My eyes followed the manly clothes up and the face belonged to Luther. He jiggled the keys and laughed.

'Lost your keys?' I grabbed them out of his hands and put them in my pocket. I pointed to the man who was walking away and stuck my tongue out at him.

'I can see that!' He shouted without turning around, leaving me baffled. He walked down the stairs and his footsteps turned mute after a while.

'How rude, he didn't even help me up. You know that guy?' I said irritated and crossed my arms. Luther sighed and spoke with a disappointed voice.

'You shouldn't worry much about him, he just moved into town.' I looked at Luther and seeing somehow being a bit annoyed about it.

I wondered why, but I was also curious to how he knew him. It wasn't one of his friends who went to our high school.

'So, is he an old friend of yours? He doesn't seem to belong here.' Luther wanted to say something, which I wasn't supposed to know.

He shook his head and walked back to his home, which was a few doors away from mine. He put the key in the lock and before entering he looked at me. There was this sad, frustrated look in his eyes.

'Don't get involved, it is better if you stay away from him.'

'Wait, why...?'He turned away and closed the door with a great amount of power.

I felt another shiver down my back because I was confused about what just happened and frightened by Luther's emotions. He never reacted like that, not even when his foster parents died. He was always the noble and brave one, he comforted me when I cried. I looked at my watch, the store was about to close for lunch break. I hurried down the stairs and got on my bike, as I cycled down the hill that weird feeling came up again as I passed that small road, to the old cottage. Was what happened last night, real or just part of that strange dream?

Down town, I locked my bike tightly in front of the store. I took my backpack and put it on my back as I walked into the store. I greeted the cashier and proceeded to the vegetable department. I put some of the fruits in my basket and walked further, to the milk fridge. I walked from one part to the other part of the store, until I had everything on my list.

I proceeded to the cashier and got out of the store.

After the store I took my stuff home and put everything in the cabins and the fridge. It was almost one in the afternoon and I hadn't even had lunch yet. I took some bread and made a sandwich with some peanut butter on it. I sat on the bench and turned on the television. The ANS news was on and I turned up the volume when it said something about a murder in the local area.

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