Part 4: Mother of all Demons

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Luther seemed to have calmed down by her prank and he changed back into the person I knew. He walked over to us and helped her off the chair. She dried her tears of joy and looked at him.

'Take her to the guest room and give her some other clothes. I have some business to do.'

'But she is just a human, can't we just fry her.' Luther looked at her with a serious expression and she nodded.

She grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me along with her. I couldn't believe Luther left me behind with a total stranger and then took off with those other creatures. We entered a room, but this was a room filled with endless lines with clothes hanging on to them. She pulled me along, as I gasped at all the wonderful clothes that were lying around. She looked at me and sighed heavily, she let go of my arm and searched through the lines. After a few minutes she came back with some skinny jeans and a strapless shirt which was bit wrinkled. I was pulled along again into another room, pushed me in there and threw the clothes in my face.

'Quickly change and tell me when you're done!' She said with an agitated voice and slammed the door.

I looked around and saw it had no windows and the only way out was through that door. I had no other choice then to undress and change into those clothes. I looked in the mirror and saw that it looked very good on me. Only I had to fix my hair, now. I sat down and looked for a brush, I bend to look in some drawers. I heard something and when I looked up, I saw that woman standing in my mirror.

'Jeez, you scared me!'

'I told you to call me when you were done, did I not.' She said and started brushing my hair, she got out the tangles in my hair until it was smooth and put it in a ponytail.

'There we go you look normal now. If there is anything else, just say it.' She wanted to walk out the room, but I grabbed her wrist before she left.

'My glasses, they broke when I was escaping.' I said with a shaky voice. She snapped with her fingers and when I looked at her everything became much clearer.

'Can you tell me where I am at least? No one has given me any answers and what is happening. Plus why did you call Luther Luc?' She shook her head and started cursing Luther and Daylen.

She grabbed a chair, pulled it close to her and sat down.

'You're really a strange girl, have you noticed the skull furniture, creepy creatures and the weird mist around the island. You are in the Netherworld, but if you want to know more about Luther, you should ask him yourself. That is not my say to tell you about him.' She held her hands together and a dark light come shined from inside her hand.

She opened her hands and held up a necklace with the symbol of vampire teeth. She stood and gave me the necklace.

'Always were this necklace to show our alliance to the others who are lurking in this castle, this will keep you from harm for now. My name is by the way Lilith.' With that she left the room and I stayed behind holding the necklace in my hands. I was made of silver, but it was crafted by magic. I did not know why this was all happening to me, but for now I would just play along.

I wandered through the hallway, but I could not find anyone. Before I knew when I turned round, I had no other then: "Totally lost!" I held my head down and put my back against a wall. How was I going to solve this problem, I knew the name of Lilith and people called Luther General. Why were these names so familiar for me, if I just knew who they were? I closed my eyes, this was all very confusing, and still no one had told why I am here in the Netherworld. Did I do something wrong? I felt I was moving backwards and then landed on my buttock. The wall had disappeared and an old man was looking over me, he had a crippled smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2021 ⏰

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