What was going on now?

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I saw that Quinn was here in the club again and that she didn't look at me. This beast but I had what I wanted and thought I would show you how I don't care about you Quinn ..I turned to a girl next to me and noticed that Quinn didn't like it, I didn't care and I thought some fun was distracting me. But I should be wrong when I had the little one at home and wanted to sleep with her. I couldn't, I thought of Quinn and for the first time I sent a woman home. Sat on the sofa and drank beer after beer. Because I realized that I fell in love. But this woman's pride was not broken. damn, that's what it felt like when you wanted something so badly and didn't get it. Mike was right, I acted like an ass and what should I do now. The boys came in "Chester you here and not in bed and alone" ..Dave said "Yes alone and damn you are right I ..." I swallowed "I fell in love and oh shit I have no idea what to do" ...mike grinned and then looked at the table said in a serious voice "Chester doesn't get you drunk and I saw her look at you. Think why!?. But you sit here and forget it too .. Good night" .. "oh yes "said Brad who was on the way home" already shit if you don't know how to go on, right? ".. I looked after him.


Chester looked after Brad. "Chester you know how much I can't see the way you treated women so far. But you're sitting here alone and why because you fell in love up to your ears." I smiled "And this woman of all people doesn't look at you. I've seen it and be honest. You just wanted her to react. She was jealous of your Quinn". He looked at me "Yeah your Quinn heard right!the woman loves you and if you both don't wake up it's soon too late .. There is still the possibility that we could kick your ass .. And yes Mike is right to quit drinking that won't bring Quinn to you. "

Chester looked at us "Oh yeah, she said clearly what she thinks of me and she doesn't want me. Shit yeah it hurts to know that there is someone I've scared off" His mood didn't improve on the contrary. he no longer slept with any women and no longer looked at them. He always carried the chain and ring with him. "Quinn lost that," said Mike. Often we had to explain why he was in a bad mood or why he was drunk again. how often did he look out of the window and talk to himself and so slowly it was unbearable. I talked to the boys and Mike said he met Quinn too late. She hadn't said anything but she was hurt and that's exactly what we said. That he will fall in love sooner or later and Quinn counts the price for his manner, for his behavior. so said Brad and he began to understand that what he had experienced did not describe what Quinn was going through. She saw him with the other one and thought Chester had slept with her. she didn't know that since Kathy's birthday he didn't have anything with anyone.

And we decided to help them both, go to their parents and talk to them ..


I saw what Chester was doing and I was there with Kathy and Susi "That asshole. I noticed that he didn’t care about me and now. I don’t care, then I’m just one of many." Took a long swig of my beer. "What's wrong?" Kathy wanted to know. "I slept Chester and I had the feeling that it wasn't like usual for him. But I was wrong. Excuse me, please, I have to goI met Chester and his acquaintance again outside. He kissed her and I was pissed off and yeah the hell jealous. "Have fun Bennington .. And I thought. Just forget it. You can't help but hurt women ..thanks for the experience. "I got out met. He looked at me" Quinn I said I was winning and that you weren't going to make me a better man.
But was nice in bed with you now, "he threw at my headI wanted to go back again but left it. I went and thought, "What the fuck did me. Why can't I get him out of my head. And he tells me in my face what I was to him...another offer for Chester Bennington, a new trophy in his collection of conquests. Fuck how stupid I was. I was just working and was often away. But I avoided Chester. Everyone wonders about me. but I didn't tell my parents what had happened, I didn't want to be taught. I only met with Kathy without the boys. Once I met Mike and he realized that I was disappointed. But he said nothing about Chester

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