The best that could have happened

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Chester was still amazed that I was repairing the car and I had to go back to work. When I got to work everyone looked at me with big eyes "Quinn say you have been working here for months and don't say a word who you go out with.?or should I say Mrs. Bennington ". Said my boss" Oh yes you were at the concert too "I said" Yes and what did Chester mean by that not today. When you wanted to knock him off "said one of my colleagues"Well, at our 2 meeting, I gave him a beating. After he grabbed my backside and was quit with it. I tested what he's got in his pants." Everything looked at me "You have amazing!" said my boss "I fell in love with the biggest asshole. And then the kick in the butt and now I'm happy and .. I love him" .. "Chester Bennington and you .. You are the one who tamed him." . someone said, "Yeah, after I thought I'd have an easy time with Quinn." I felt a hug and a kiss on the neck "You forgot something in my car" .. "Oh yes. I know how to tell you I love you" .. "excuse me Chester did Quinn really give you ".." Yes did Quinn and I looked really stupid .. "


When everyone looked at Quinn, I thought what was coming and decided to help her. after I said how stupid I looked at the club back then. "Quinn always had courage. When did it happen to you guys. Ok, we saw that at the concert. Before that there was more. He can be different.I heard what Mike said "said a woman" Oh yes, I'm the boss of Quinn "she added" May I? "Quinn nodded" We didn't get along well at first and I'm honest, I just wanted her to go Get bed. but the pride of this woman and the will to fight back against me. Annoyed me and then came the day when she had a beer or two too many. I had reached my goal and from that point on I realized that I couldn't do it without her. I missed this beast and I was no longer interested in looking at someone else or sleeping with someone else. But I was still an asshole, so Quinn pulled back. then our friends came and the concert "I explained .." Quinn, you made his life hell so I know you and now let's go to work. "Said her boss.
I gave her another kiss and said, "Babe, I'll pick you up later"She nodded and disappeared." Who would have thought that they would be tame and that our Quinn would manage?

"I was told right away that Quinn is not a woman for one nightbut I didn't want to hear and I'm glad I didn't want to hear. "I said goodbye and went to the boys' studio.


Finally we can be glad that Chester was so stubborn. if it hadn't been for Quinn then ... "Then Chester cut me off," I'd still lay everybody else down that might be true. If I do that now, the woman I want will be gone. Quinn and only her and no other. go again and that doesn't work ".
"Listen hear Chester getting washed up and I think it was time for it. Life often plays some games and you two were so sure the other would lose.that you both did not notice that you have long been in love. " I said
Chester looked so satisfied and happy.

everyone said that, even if many still doubted him and the relationship between them, but that didn't stop him from staying by their side. Quinn was the woman who went to awards shows and so on. Chester had always refrained from kissing a woman in public, but now it didn't bother him anymore. And Quinn, she was doing well by his side. What was just strange was that three of us had a great company and David, Rob and I still had each other.

Brad wanted to get married and with Joe it was only a matter of time before he would ask Kahty. chester I wasn't sure if he would ever get married, if so we all hoped it was Quinn. Because the way the two began their relationship. Couldn't it have been possible any other way. as far as both of them are concerned, we should experience some surprises.

Her mom worried a little because Chester was such an ass to women. but he showed that it was not interested in what other women were doing and because I could still understand their mom. ..

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