Poopy Ball

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Poop's POV: "AND I POOPED IN LIKE A BABY BALL! ALL YOU EVER DID WAS POO-O-OP ME." Freddy shouted from the rooftops of paris. "Omg look at that face, Freddy looks like a poopytompo." my grandma shouted at Freddy. Freddy jumped down from the rooftops and into my grandma's arms. "I poop you." My grandma told Fred. "Wait! FRED!! my ex-babysauce!!!!!!!" My grandmother said to loopy and poopy Freddy. " oh I like babies! Cause their middle name is Tom. With the baby sauce and the mr.tom, I EAT the babiessssss!!!!!!" Foxy sung with a accordion. "Oh I feel my much better now." My grandma said. That is how you die kids. The narrator said.

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