The adventure to babyland

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Poopytompo's POV: "hey, little dudets, wanna go catch a poop?" "Aw, man that's nasty!" Mr.poopface replied to Chica. "Um, do you mind me stepping in for a second?" I said, trying to get their attention. "Yeah wat are the ups my dudet?" "BE SERIOUS!" I scowled at him. "YOU KNOW WE ONLY HAVE A CERTAIN MATTER OF TIME UNTIL THERE'S NO MORE BABYSAUCE ON THE FACE OF THIS PLANET!" Mr.poopface squiggled into a corner and cried. Tinky winky came over and patted him on his furry back. Tess came over and I decided to braid her hair in frustration. "Typical." Tom said as he sacheyed (idk how to spell it) over to the salad bar. I had given up on life. Even though there were millions of babies out there counting the numbers on my bootay, I just couldn't poop it. This was the end of babysaucelamb I just knew it. Tinky Winky now was patting me on the back now, and handed me some his tubby custard. "Thanks." I sobbed. "No poopy pizza problmeo." The teletubby said. "OH GOD" Tinky Winky shouted. "WHAT?!?" I told him. "It's slenderpoop!" He shouted. NO NO NO NO NO ITS NOT GOING TO END LIKE THIS. I scooped up some salad and fed it to chica. The little baby chicken laughed. "Aww, so cute!" "RAWWRRRR" the little baby chica roared in a demonic voice. "AND I WAS LIKE BABIES BABIES BABIES NO. AND I WAS LIKE BABIES BABIES BABIES YES.

The world was finally safe

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