Chapter Six: The Weasley Twins are here to help

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{Please note that I use some lyrics from a song later in the chapter and I want to give some credit to the artist because when I heard this song I was like omg this is amazing and it gave me an idea so anyway the song is called Wanted by Hunter Hayes}

Chapter Warnings: Mentions of bullying, Mentions of abuse, and Self Inflicted injuries.

Fred Weasley is calling Harry Potter and as much as he loved Fred he didn't want Fred to hear him with his shaking voice and his awful stuttering but if he didn't pick up then Fred would know something is wrong and he couldn't risk it. Harry then answered his phone.

"H−H−Hello?" said Harry as he mentally yelled at himself for stuttering when he tried so hard not to.

"Harry is that you?" asked Fred who sound very worried but still seemed to sound very much calm.

"Y−Yeah....So h−how are y−you?" asked Harry who is still trying to sound as normal as possible.

"Harry never mind me.....How are you feeling....?" asked Fred with lots of concern in his voice.

"I feel b−b−b−brilliant." said Harry as he felt a few small tears go down his face.

"Harry it's okay if you are upset....Ron told me about what happened with Malfoy." said Fred by now Harry was beginning to panic as he wrapped his arm around his stomach which made a very loud growl.

"I'm s−s−sorry...." said Harry very timidly which made Fred's heart shatter as he remembered when Harry had told both George and him about how bad he was abused which caused Harry to constantly believe that he did something wrong.

"Harry you have nothing to be sorry for and I know it's probably a force of habit to do or say things like that after being with those muggles for so long and with how they treated you but I'm here Harry and I want to help you and if you don't want to talk to me, you can always talk to George." said Fred as he sighed quietly when Harry went silent.

"N−N−No I wa−want to talk with y−you." said Harry timidly he then felt his face go on fire.

"It's okay Harry, you can talk whenever you're ready and I'll listen." said Fred as he could hear Harry through the phone taking a few deep breaths which made Fred smile slightly.

"Why don't you tell me what happened?" said Fred trying to help Harry.

"I talked to Ron this m−morning and I told him e−everything and he helped me but when we were in Defense Against The Dark Arts today I fell a−asleep but Professor Snape didn't s−shout at me he just woke me up gently b−but when Ron and me were on our way to our afternoon classes Malfoy started to b−b−bully me and I c−c−c−couldn't take it and I ran off and all my emotions, memories of my past hit me like a brick and I started to c−cry." said Harry as his voice began shaking.

"I'm really glad you talked with Ron Harry, you know he only wants to help and George and I asked Snape to be calmer with you because it seems that shouting scares you a lot. Now Malfoy is just a great foul git and you shouldn't listen to him and I'm sorry that you had a breakdown." said Fred trying to calm Harry as much as possible.

"Fred...I feel like nothing....I feel like I don't belong....I'm really s−s−sorry I d−d−didn't mean it I s−s−swear." stuttered Harry as he began to cry.

"You didn't mean what Harry?" asked Fred as he grew much more concerned as the conversation progressed.

"I c−can't tell you over the phone, it wouldn't be right." said Harry as he continued to cry.

"George and Me can be there in about 30 minutes to an hour.....Can you wait that long?" asked Fred  who still felt very much concerned.

"Yeah I can wait." said Harry as he then hanged up and continued to cry again while Fred was nervous he didn't know what to expect and he didn't know how to handle situations like this. Ron and Ginny never went to Fred or George for comfort because they thought the twins were too aggressive and Fred and George only went to Bill and Charlie for comfort but even then that was much too rare.

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