Those Who Are Close

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"He lied..." I sprinted towards the command center. I couldn't think straight, the words that I had read and heard kept replaying themselves in my head. My chest tightened as my throat began to burn with every breath I had been taking.

"He lied to us," I heard Eleanor spit out. "Maes is dead. He died, and we weren't even there for him. He died and we let it happen." She kept repeating, the same phrases, many different variations for it.

"It's my fault. If I had just stayed behind, he wouldn't be dead, and none of this would have ever happened! I wouldn't be here!" I yelled as I ran, slowing down my pace, trying to catch my breath. Though, as I slowed my pace down, a loud explosion rang through my ears. I turned up into the sky to see a bright red hue followed by a large amount of smoke.

"That's Roy..." Eleanor said breathlessly as I stared up to where the smoke had been. I eyed the buildings before making my way to where I assumed it had been. As I turned through the small alleys between the buildings, I finally came to a halt when I spotted the back of a familiar suit of armor standing next to the familiar head of black hair.

"What the hell!?" I stared at the charred looking corpse that had been laying on the ground. "What the hell did you do!?" I looked up to see Roy, his back having been turned towards us.

"Ava!" Dawn called out as turned to look at me, tears running down her cheeks.

"She knew about Maes too. She knew about what happened. She kept this from us too!" Eleanor yelled as I stared at Dawn. "They'll never tell you the truth, they'll never trust you!"

"What the hell happened!?" I asked once again, ignoring Dawn as I glared at Roy's back. He seemed to not care as he never bothered to turn to look at me.

"He killed the second lieutenant!" Edward spat out angrily as he sat against the wall, Alphonse joining his side.

"He what!?" I stared down at the burned corpse on the ground, looking at the metal bracelet that had been burned.

"He killed her. He not only kept Maes' death a secret, but he killed Ross too!" Eleanor's yelling echoed throughout my head.

"Why? Why the hell would you keep this from me!? You promised!" I angrily yelled at Roy, shooting a glare at him as he simply adjusted his coat.

"I am sorry for hiding the death of Hughes from you, but Maria Ross was a fugitive. We had orders to shoot to kill. You're also a civilian Hughes, you shouldn't even be here," Roy spoke, never turning around.

"Ava, you should—"

"No!" I quickly interrupted her, shooting my glare towards her.

"Please Ava, I—" Dawn spoke, walking over to me, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"No! You kept it away from me too! How long!? How long has he been dead for!?" I yelled at the two, pulling Dawn's hands off of my shoulders. "I shouldn't have ever trusted you two!" My throat felt like it was being ripped apart as I yelled.

"Ava, please, listen to me sweetheart," Dawn pleaded, trying to get close as I kept stepping back.

"No! You don't get to call me that! The two of you lied to me! You two promised that you wouldn't keep this kind of shit from me!" I stopped walking back once Dawn seemed to make no more efforts to try and get closer.

"You should get going Miss Hughes. You are a civilian, and this is military business," Roy spoke as he began to take several steps forward.

"Oh, so you're going to use your rank here now?" I asked in disbelief before letting out a bitter laugh. "I see how it is Colonel." I turned on my heel before walking off.

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