Creation of Life

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The train ride from then on was calm, any tension that I felt previously, vanished. A part of me felt like I had known and always been a part of the three friends' lives. Though there were moments that I would have to lie my way through conversation topics, everything felt like it was like it was lining up in my favor.

After an uncomfortable night of no sleep and little walking space, we finally arrived at Rush Valley around noon. I smiled as I practically jumped out of my seat the moment the train stopped, ready to run out of the train.

"Finally!" Winry and I exclaimed in unison, making us turn to one another and laugh slightly. Although I was excited to just get out and walk around, Winry's enthusiasm for the automail rubbed off on me slightly. I hoped to see somethings that I could add on to my own automail and be able to have a lighter arm.

We made our way off the train, following Winry around since she had been the reason we were even here in the first place. As we walked, there was a large sign, the poles shaped to be looking like automail hands and read RUSH VALLEY, to this, Winry screamed excitedly.

"Rush Valley!" She screamed out as she sprinted her way into the town, making the rest of use to quickly follow her and her excitement. "Automail! Automail!" Winry exclaimed as she stopped in the middle or a large open area and looked around her. This caused many people to turn and look at her.

"I swear, I will go and live at that train station until we have to leave, if people keep staring at us," I groaned out slightly. This seemed funny to Ed since he chuckled and gently elbowed me.

"Scared of a little attention?" he teased me, making me groan in annoyance.

"No, I just hate the sensation of constantly being watched. Their eyes just bore into the back in my head, hell, they stare at my arm, which irritates me more," I admitted as I scratched my arms slightly. I began to feel hot, making me regret my decision of deciding that a turtleneck long sleeve would be the best decision to wear.

Winry squealed, ignoring us as she ran over to a window and began to ramble about the newest model of automail. Although I would try to go and look at it, I began to raise my left sleeve up, wanting to peel my own automail off since it was slowly going to become hotter and hotter.

"Welcome to the Holy Land of automail! This place is bustling," Alphonse spoke as we walked around slightly.

"Yeah... Remind me again why we let ourselves get dragged into this heat, to look at a bunch of automail?" Edward complained as he dragged his feet slightly.

"Because you were nice enough to allow Winry to come," I grinned slightly, getting him back for his teasing just moments ago. He groaned as he shoved me away gently.

"We should have dropped Winry off and headed straight for Dublith!" He spoke annoyed as Winry yet again went off to go look at some more automail.

"Should have, but are you really just going to leave your friend alone?" I cooed gently, making him push me again, this time a bit harder. I laughed gently as he simply huffed.

We stood around for a while, waiting for Winry. Ed began to talk to Al about who knows what, and I simply looked around slightly. As I looked around, a massive cluster of people and yelling caught my attention.

"What's going on over there?" I asked as I began to make my way over to the pile of people, and as I got closer I could hear more and more yelling.

"Step right up! Rush Valley's famous automail arm wrestling competition returns! Limited to challengers with automail arms! Entry fee is only a measly 10,000 Cenz! If you beat the reigning champion, you can take home the pot!" I heard a man yell once I was within earshot. I let out a small scoff as I began to make my way through the crowd.

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