When i started falling in love with draco

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Here's a little story time where I started falling in love with him before we dated

So one day I was hanging out with him we decided to eat out and hang at the mall cause he wanted hoodies also he bought em some too he also wanted apples and spaghetti I used to like spaghetti but like I ate it so many times so yeah and I got microwaveable mince and cheese pieee anyways yeah he bought like so many packs of past and sauce and sausagessss yeah he may have an addiction idk anyways we were walking to the place where we were going to eat we saw a shop full of clothes and Draco: why don't you go try some clothes I'll help you choose fern: you sure? Draco:Certain  I smiled and went inside we looked around and he found something it was a dark green silk knee high strap dress draco:why don't your try this on fern:ummm not my thing kinda looks showy draco:come on pleaseeeeee fern:Uhhh fine draco: yay so I put it on it was not my thing I felt very insecure and went out to show him I was shaking literally and sweating so you know I went out and his eyes widen draco:wow you look beautiful fern: don't call me that you know I hate complements draco:but I mean it fern: fineeee I'll let it slide for now draco: now can I continue admiring you fern: yeah sure I guess I don't like it can we not buy this I look ugly draco:no you look beautiful I can't even look at yourself in the mirror you look amazing and guy or girl would be lucky to have you I smiled it kinda really made me less upset I felt a bit better fern: finee I'll buy it draco: yayyyy! I bought it and we went out to eat food we went back and arranged and put the stuff in the kitchen yeah we have a kitchen in our dorm lol yeah

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