Boy bestfriend challenge

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So draco told me this is how he would react about the boy best friend thing Fern:hey draco can you meet my boy draco: yeah sure fern: random name draco draco random name( ps i have no other boy best friend he has met all of them and is friends with them so yeah) draco: hi I'm draco her boyfriend random guy: Hey baby nice too meet you draco 😒fern: stop calling me that draco: why the fuck did you just call her I call her that not you random: I can do whatever I want right darling touches my pussy fern: grabs wrist no you- cut off by draco draco: no no no I will beat the living crap out of your puny little body if you do don't try me you cunt random: let's see you try pussy Fern: you did not just call him a pussy you fucking asshole your my best friend you should treat him right you idiot I fucking hate you you bitch random: for saying that your like him a pussy and trash why did you even get together with him he is just gonna leave you anyways draco: YOU FUCKING BITCH I WOULD NEVER LEAVE HER DONT YOU DARE SAY THAT I LOVE HER WITH ALL MY HEART!so don't say stuff that will never happen you bitch draco whispers to me can I beat the living shit out of him pls fern: whipers back do it draco: with pleasure I asked her permission and she's letting me beat you up so get ready pussy " runs and deadass stage dive on him" fern: oooo that gotta hurt random you-r not ju-st go-nna let hi-m be-at me up prin-cess draco: punching his face and kicking him I TOLD YOU NOT TO CALL HER THAT kicks him and he passed out fern: do you think he's dead??? Draco: idk Fern: well we better get out of here before we get caught draco: yeah fern: I'll help clean the blood on your face k draco: k love you princess fern: love you too

The end lmao

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