Hanging out with trump

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So on the weekends me robin, catnoir, trump, five, Draco decided to go get Ice cream together cause we were bored lol anyways we went there draco got a mint robin got strawberry catnoir got mint also trump got vanilla five got chocolate and so did i we all ate our ice cream together all of us talking and then Draco whispered do you think trump knows were dating because I don't want him to flirt or touch you or I will kill him I replied idk and don't he said should were telling him I said fine I asked him trump he replied yeah do you know me and draco are dating he said no I said oh well we are he said that nice I whispered see he seems fine with it draco stared at him he said hmmm ok I said now enjoy your ice cream and stop talking about him we're here to hangout with our friends

The life she wish she hadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora