Chapter 15 - The Ring

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It took me about 25 minutes to reach the jewellers in the middle of Brighton that I knew Zoe liked to look at wherever she walked past it. The ring had to be perfect or it would completely ruin the moment and I would be worried she would say no to me.
"Hello sir how may I help you today" the smart looking jeweller asked with a small smile.
"Hello, I'm looking for the perfect engagement ring for my girlfriend Zoe, I'm looking to propose in the next few weeks and I wondered if you could help me" I replied a bead of sweat dripping down my forehead due to how nervous I was.
"I would recommend a simple ring band with just one jewel on the top, perhaps one that brings out her eyes or her birthstone perhaps"
"Thank you for your help I will have a think and a look around and I will get back to you"
I wandered round and came to a beautiful simple banded ring with a single sapphire on the top and a circle of diamonds around the sapphire, it was truly beautiful and I could just picture it on Zoe's finger shimmering in the light.
"I'll take this one please" I pointed to the ring and the jeweller swiftly packaged the ring and made sure it was in the right type of box.
I pocketed the ring neatly and made my way into the cool Brighton breeze, I shivered realising I should've probably wrapped up in warmer clothes. I had just stepped out of the jewellers when who should I bump into at the worst possible moment but ... yep you guessed it ... Zoe. I tried to hide my shock and act like she hadn't seen me come out of the jewellers.
"Alfie ... what are you doing outside a jewellers, buying yourself a manly bracelet are we" she was teasing me I could tell yet she had a perplexed look on her face and she was getting suspicious of what was going on.
"Well actually I didn't find anything I particularly liked so I guess I'll just leave it for today and come back again soon" nice save Alfie way to play it cool.

Zoe's POV:
I didn't understand at all why Alfie had come out of a jewellers and I was getting terribly suspicious at this point but it was really annoying me that I couldn't figure out what he was up to. I would find out eventually I should just stop trying to uncover what was really going on and wait to see what Alfie was really up to.

We are getting closer to the proposal only a couple of chapters left until that happens, that won't be the end of the story but the proposal is quite soon so you have that to look forward to.

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