Chapter 12 - Don't tell a soul

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It had been a few days since I had been to see Zoe's family and I had to say, keeping it a secret was extremely hard but it was going well so far. She didn't suspect a thing and our relationship was going well so far. Every morning we'd wake up, lie in bed for a few minutes just enjoying each other's company and then we would get up and do something together, then we'd do whatever we needed to do and after that snuggle on the sofa with our little pug Nala who was the almost as cute as Zoe.
That night I went to bed so excited for what I was planning, it was going to be hugely scary but exciting and I couldn't contain my nerves.

*the next day*
Zoe's POV

When I woke up the next day Alfie was asleep next to me, he looked so peaceful but if he could see his hair right now he'd probably say "sorry about my hair guys" which always made me laugh and was slightly annoying because his hair was never bad and it was one of the thing I really liked about him. I got up as I had two really important penguin meetings to go to about my book that was coming out in a few weeks. I quickly showered and came out of the bathroom in a towel to get my clothes so I could get ready, I dressed in some checkered trousers and a flowing white sheer top with a vest underneath, I threw my head upside down and scraped it into a sleek ponytail, then I did my make up and finished it off with an autumnal red lipstick, I was really loving autumn shades right now they were my favourite things.
I went downstairs grabbed a banana to go and left the house, I didn't need to tell Alfie because be already knew where I was going to be for the remainder of the day.

Alfie's POV

I heard the front door slam and quickly opened my eyes, i'd been pretending to be asleep for the past hour whilst Zoe got ready right next to me and gathered her stuff to go to her book meetings, as she had taken a while I was a little bit behind in my timings for my plans today. I had to hurry up or I wouldn't make it to my own meeting.
I got the train to London and got off just next to Oxford Street and walked a little while to get to an office with a nice little view of London. I was there to meet with an interior designer who hired out furniture and products for special occasions.
"Hello" I said as I got to the desk of the office.
"Hi, what can I help you with today" the perky man at the desk said.
"Uhm I'm here to meet with Veronica about hiring some products for my proposal" I rubbed my hands together I was starting to swear a little bit.
"Let me just check that for you" he could tell I was nervous and gave me a reassuring smile before ringing through to the other part of the company.
"Just go right through, the office is the first one on the right" I thanked the man and made my way to the office just behind the reception area, I entered and sat at one of two chairs in the middle of the room. the door creaked behind me and I turned to see a young woman dressed smartly striding into the room to greet me, she had one of those faces that was always smiling slightly.
"You must be Alfie, hi I'm Veronica" we shook hands and sat down in the two chairs that were available.
"So, what type of thing were you looking for to hire today, I know wedding proposals are a very special event and you want it to be perfect"
"Well ... I wanted some glowing lighting and scented candles to place around the room and set the mood plus a hundred roses to be delivered to Zoe who will be at Niomi and Marcus' house the way I've planned it, attached to the roses will be a note with a trail to follow which will lead her to one of our favourite places in Brighton, this will be by the little beach huts on the beach by the sea, we love to take walks on the beach and that's one of Zoe's favourite spots in the world." I stopped and realised I was welling up a little bit.
Veronica had a thoughtful look on her face as if she was considering my order.
"That will be tricky to do but yes, I think it will be able to be done with time" I was so glad that this was one thing accomplished already, it was going to be the best proposal in the history of proposals. I paid the deposit and left the office, it was dark and slightly chilly by the time I got outside and I shivered in the wind, quickly making my way to the train station so I got home as soon as possible.

By the time I got home though Zoe was already on the sofa cuddled up with Nala by her side. They looked so sweet just sat there all snuggly on the sofa with not a care in the world.

"ALFIE YOU'RE HOME WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" Zoe rushed into my arms and I swung her around in a circle and ended it with a kiss.
"Oh, I just went to Marcus' house to make some arrangements about us going there for the day in a couple of weeks" I hadn't actually done this yet but I did actually need to do it if everything was going to work out with the plan.
"Ahh that's exciting, I'm so excited, I haven't seen them for so long and I miss them so much" Zoe sighed happily and went to get ready for bed. That night I went to bed with a satisfied smile on my face, I hated lying to Zoe but it would be worth it in the end because she'd get the biggest shock of her life, I just hoped she'd say yes.

It's my first chapter of 2015 yay!!! I hope you enjoy it, tell me what you think and like if you enjoy.

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