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"So what I'm hearing is that Kenny Wisteria doesn't exist," Andy said pacing back and forth in the little hotel room.

"In Russia," Booker added with a pile of folders in his lap.

"In Russia..." Andy echoed.

"Hey, guys," Joe called. "Off-topic, but are we returning the folders to the federal office or...?"

Nicky shrugged. "Eventually."

"So are we just going to go to take naps all the time?" Booker asked. "At least until someone says the location."

"Basically yeah," Andy confirmed. "But she's a scientist, she doesn't know how to fight."

"From the rumors I hear about this country, she does."

"That's what rumors are, my love," Joe explained. "Just rumors."


The floor was nice. It was cool. Exactly what Aleandra needed right now. Nathaniel interrupted her relaxation with a flying fist.

"Shit shit shit shit shit," she cursed, rolling out of the way. The floor would have to wait until after Nathaniel was called off. He was enjoying beating her up way too much.

"What did they feed you when you were growing up, birdseed?" he taunted. Aleandra growled at him but kept herself back from ripping his eyes out.

"I had normal food like everyone else."

"Did you have a three-course meal with silver spoons and a hogshead in the middle of the table? Because that's what I had." He smirked at her. Bastard. She had enough food, her family might have been crazy but they weren't stupid.

"AAAAARHHHH," she yelled, barreling from where she lay earlier. This was a waste of time and she was going to make sure Nathaniel's ego hurt too much to try it again.

She rammed into him, pushing all the way back onto a wall, and kneed him in the crotch. She smiled to herself as his face contorted into one of pain and he bent over with his mouth open. She let her fist fly up, closing his mouth and knocking his stupid expression off his face.

"I've beat up little boys stronger than you," she seethed, panting in his ear. He slumped and relaxed, leaning against the wall. Aleandra loosened her grip from around his neck but didn't expect a quick punch in her diaphragm.

"Back when you might have had actual strength." 

She clutched her chest and stumbled back, gasping for air while Nathaniel darted out from where she had him pinned. She turned to follow him, knowing that she needed a reset.

He didn't go for her. He just stood back with his arms crossed and a smug expression on his lips.

"Finish me, you bastard," she huffed out, crouching and readying herself for a few more punches.


She straightened up in confusion. He should have come at her head-on, that would make sense for him. He liked beating on her.

"I was going easy on you. We're stopping now, you've done much better." Aleandra was relieved– she wasn't afraid to hide it either; falling back against the wall and sliding all the way down until her cheek met the cold hard surface. She sighed. She was done, and she didn't want to deal with her skin mending itself. The floor called so her eyelids fell.

Aleandra was vaguely aware of movement and warmth. She knew the stretch and pull of muscle and the overwhelming sense of sweat...and blood? She made Nathaniel bleed. She could sleep a happy woman.

Unfortunately, she did not wake a happy woman.

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