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Her vision cleared and the foggy figure took detail, revealing a confused man's face. She scooted backward but felt her arms being constricted. The man saw this and smiled.

"Who are you?" she demanded.

"Who are you?" he repeated back. She opened her mouth, ready to respond with her name but closed it after realizing that her family's paranoia might actually come in handy.

"I work for the government, they will be very angry." Instead of retreating in fear, as she had hoped, he raised a shotgun to her face. She covered her face with her hands. "Sorry, sorry, that's not true."

"You lied." He raised the gun, which she had now realized was a break action, and thrust it forward. "Liars get shot."

Aleandra knew enough to not let out a whimper as she stared down the barrel. She had cheated death twice before–what were her chances of living now?

"That's not what I meant," she said calmly. He reminded her of her grandfather (the stupid man had never trusted anyone). He was acting like an old man so she would speak to him like one.

"Then what did you mean?"

Aleandra took a deep breath. "I just need to get back to where I was before." She refused to call Wisteria and Co. home. Kenny might say that it is but her home wasn't with him and his bombs. It was somewhere else, but she didn't know where yet.

"And where is that?" He still didn't look convinced. The shotgun was level with her nose.

"I don't know."

He lowered the shotgun, studying her for a moment. She didn't dare move in case he decided to shoot her anyway. She could finally get a good look at his face now. White hair was sticking out of the bun that he had made and his light and weathered skin sagged off of his body.

He suddenly raised the gun and leveled it to her head once more.

"You are a bad spy."



Kenny paced back and forth in the hallway, Sacha waiting dutifully by the wall. The air was tense around him but Sacha seemed unaffected.

Anita walked out of the room and gently closed the door. Kenny's head perked up at the sound, turning to face the nurse.

"How is he?" Anita shrugged, looking at the ground.

"He'll live." Her left thumb gently caressed her hand. Kenny took it, squeezing it slightly. She flinched but let him hold it. Her eyes kept flicking from her hands to Sacha, who was behind him. He could only imagine the face that his guard was making.

His hands were clammy as he tried to coax out Nathaniel's condition from her lips. "Is it permanent?"

"I...uh yes, it is," she spilled out. Kenny let go of her and she physically relaxed, her shoulders softening as she wiped her hands in her skirt. "They cut off his feet and drained him of most of his blood. He needs lots of rest and food."

"Is he–"

"He's still asleep, no?" Sacha asked. Anita gave a small nod, avoiding eye contact. She turned and walked down the hall as Sacha turned to Kenny and said, "This is just like that uranium bitch."

He nodded in agreement, not particularly excited about waiting another two or so weeks for his other guard to get better.


I just realized that I wrote Misha instead of Sacha😭

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