XIII. |It's all dangerous|

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if you've been waiting for a sweet Ori-Kakashi moment, it s your lucky day🙈



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"Wh-what?" I said, pressing my fingertips on the piece of paper. "Is it that bad?"

"No, no, I mean -

Kakashi sighed, but Pakkun talked faster. "Read what The Third wrote. Just read."

Sakura and me locked eyes and she nodded. Sasuke raised his chin, looking completely indifferent, but I knew he was curious. Naruto sit next to me, smiling at the piece of paper. I swallowed, reading what the old man has written:

"The Legend of the Blue Bird is really old. As I said, it is believed to not even exist. Every ten generations, but it isn't known in which clan or family, a kid is born with a great power. The power of the Blue Bird. If it's real, it means that your clan, Hyla, could've passed this incredible power along the years. It's really ancient and it stays dormant until that person who inherited it manages to find out a way to wake it up. This story is not so popular, that's why I don't have much information for you, Orinai. But your family might have this power. You, or your parents. Maybe all three of you: we don't know if that person who inherits the power every ten generations is actually you, or if there are many people. So, I don't know why Orochimaru took your parents - if this Blue Bird thing it's real, he might have the answer. If not, I don't know. But the fact that you had that vision and it was actually a blue bird in it, it might be a part of the reality. The story could be completely different, no one knows it's truth, but there's no doubt that you have a power. A special one. And you'll have to unlock it completely in order to defeat Orochimaru. You have to find out the Secret of the Blue Bird. Good luck, Orinai."

My mouth remained open. I reread the note silently, and I did it faster than before. My eyes were getting bigger and bigger. When I finished reading it for the second time, I crumpled it between my fingers. Kakashi put his hands together, Sakura closed her eyes, Naruto looked at all of us and Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Um... He literally told us nothing."

"Kinda..." Sakura sighed.

"Not nothing... One thing is clear." Kakashi looked at me. "It's just like my Sharingan. The Blue Bird's magic... it pours through your veins."

"If the legend it's true." I shrugged. "We don't know for sure. As the note says - we don't even know what form this magic will take, we don't know how it's going to work... It's all a mystery."

"I believe it's true!" Kakashi smiled. "Anyway, we should hope it is, so we wouldn't have to worry about finding out more info..."

I shivered a bit. "It's scary, an ancient legend which might or might not be real. I mean, it's about luck. I need luck to defeat Orochimaru. We all do. I don't even know why he keeps my parents, why he wants me and -

Secret of the Blue Bird(Kakashi x OC)Where stories live. Discover now