An Invitation

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By the time Marinette arrived back at the estate it was almost 7:30.

"Spots off." She whispered as Tikki emerged from her miraculous.

"You have a lot of explaining to do." Her pixie voice filled with sass. "Adrien and Chat Noir! I could tell by that look in your eyes you have feelings for them both. How do you plan to handle that?" Her hands were resting on her little hips.

Before Marinette could respond, Alya came bursting into the room.

"Hey girl, good moooorning!" She practically sang. Geez, she was cheerful.

"Morning Alya!" Marinette gave her best friend a quick hug.

"Come down stairs, Gorilla is attempting at making breakfast." She giggled, dragging Mari by her hand downstairs.


As the two sat down beside Nino who was already seated at this bar-style table in the kitchen, a flushed and winded Adrien came panting through the back door.

"Dude you okay?" Nino questioned. It's true, Adrien did look like he just came back from running a marathon.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good. Just went for a... jog. You know, getting a little early-morning exercise in." He took a deep breath, trying to steady his breathing, trying as hard as humanly possible not to look Marinette in the face.

"Okayyy... do you always do this? Just go for jogs at the asscrack of dawn?" Alya raised her eyebrows.

Adrien gulped. He thought for sure someone may have seen him transform from Chat Noir. "Uh, yeah. All the time. It's um, a model thing. Helps with uh, our... shape." He smiled uncomfortably before changing the subject. "So what's cooking Gorilla?"

Gorilla turned and grunted, motioning towards the burned bacon frying in the pan. They looked charred to a crisp, basically ash at this point.

"Uh..." Adrien scrunched up his nose.

"I'll help." Marinette hopped off her seat and scurried next to Gorilla.

"You sure Marinette? We can always order out." Adrien looked at her directly in those bluebell eyes for the first time since last night.

"Dad's a chef, remember. I got it." Their stare hung on for just a moment too long.

*Ding Dong*

"Oh um, Gorilla wanna grab the door for me?" Adrien asked, breaking eye contact. Gorilla nodded and headed towards whoever was at main entrance.

Marinette dumped the burned bacon in the trash, while Adrien popped his head between Alya and Nino, wrapped two arms around them and tussled their hair.

"Morning to you too Adrien," Alya laughed.

"I'm just so happy you all are here with me." He smiled taking a look around at these beautiful people who he loved more than he loved himself. His true family in the most honest sense.

"Of course dude!" Nino fist bumped him.

"I'll be back in one minute I just need to grab something." He headed back upstairs towards his room to feed his starving kwami.


Gorilla opened the door, only to find no other than Nathalie at the door, a limousine stretched out behind her.

"Ah, Gorilla. Is Adrien home? I have something for him and his friends." She motioned towards a huge package lying next to her. "Bring this into the kitchen for me, would you?"

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