The Tale of Perseus and Andromeda

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"Adrien, what the hell are you doing?" Plagg sat miserably in his pocket.

"I'm on a mission." He whispered back, bopping between telephone poles and groups of people, trying to blend in.

Plagg rolled his eyes. "You look dumb."

"Yeah, well how else am I going to talk to her alone, hm? Have any better ideas?" Adrien scoffed.

"Yes actually. How about you just oh, I don't know... go up to her. Like a normal human being. And not stalk her."

"Hey! I am going to talk to her just, when the moment feels right."

"K bud, well until that magic moment comes, you're still a stalker. And a weirdo."

"Am not."

"Are too."

As the two bickered back and fourth, Marinette disappeared into an old antique shop on a dimly lit part of the road. The little bell chimed as she stepped in.

"Hey spy kid, nice going I think you've officially lost her. And killed at least ten of my brain cells in the process." Plagg messaged his temples.

"Huh?" Adrien popped his head up, his eyes searching madly for that dark haired, blue eyed girl. He smiled uncomfortably as on goers gave him stares, and he realized it was probably because it seemed he was talking to himself. Shit. Way to be inconspicuous.

"Excuse me, are you Adrien Agreste?" He felt something tug lightly on his jeans.

"Hm?" He looked down and noticed a small child staring up at him.


"Er, yes? Hi." He gave the kid a fake smile. He didn't have time for this right now.

"So sorry to bother you Mr. Agreste, but I'm- uh, I mean my child is a huge fan! Do you think we could get a picture?" A woman, probably in her mid-fourties stood before him, camera in hand.

"Uh, yeah sure." He barely heard what she even said. Where had Marinette gone to?

"Oh thank you, thank you!" She scuttled over and flashed the camera at his face, in which he gave a quick smile to before trying to rip the child off his leg.

"I can't believe I met the Adrien Agreste! In the flesh!" She cried observing the pictures. "Just wait about the PTA moms hear about this!"

"Adrien! Adrien!" The child started chanting at the top of his lungs.

"Shh!" Adrien tried to shush the kid, desperately trying to not draw attention. But his attempt failed.

"Adrien? Adrien Agreste?!" People started shouting left and right, and soon he was surrounded by a crowd of people.

Not again! Where's Gorilla when I need him?! As the people surrounded him, he closed his eyes and let his cat-senses take over. He smiled to himself as a plan formed in his mind. The mission wasn't over.

"Dad?! Is that you?!" He pointed dramatically in the other direction, successfully distracting the crowd. While they weren't looking, he took a run for it leaping over a dumpster behind him.

"Hey! Where'd he go?" A man yelled from the mob.

"Nailed it." He whispered to himself, before jumping up into a tree and climbing towards the roof of the antique shop.

"Yup. Definitely dumb." Plagg added from his pocket.

"Oh, shut up." He laughed quietly and flicked his pocket, as he perched himself on the green roof.

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