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When we got in our suite both of us were exhausted. We went in the washroom to freshen up. There were two washrooms. George came in with a towel hanging on his torso. He got into one of his trousers. He was shirtless and I wore my underwear and an over sized white T - shirt.
"Come here, let me kiss you" he said
I went and grabbed his face, smashing our lips together. My hands tightly wrapped around his neck and he placed his firmly in my waist to keep me in place. I broke the kiss and he pecked me on my forehead.
"Let's get in bed shall we?" He said getting under the cover. I went and got inside covers and snuggled close to his chest.

~ George ~

I wrapped my hands around her waist and went to sleep.

"Ashton no" I tried to shout but I was out of breath every part of me bleeding.
But he ordered his men to do it.
"Boys slice them." He shouted and made me watch my family and  now even Eva's slow death from the blood gushing out.
"No" I shrieked waking up from the nightmare.

~ Evaline ~

He shrieked no, waking me up
"Shush, everything's fine "  I tried to console him guiding his head to my chest so my heartbeat will steady him. "Bad dream " I asked
He nodded his head yes. " Do you want to talk about it"
He encountered his whole nightmare and I finally know now that his weakness is something happening to his loved ones. "It's all okay you are in bed and your family is safe" I told him finally sensing him calm down.
"Come sleep " I said patting his place. He finally gave in and went to lie down I covered him with the covers, kissed his forehead and stroked his head running my hand through his hair until he finally slept. I went to my side snuggled close to him his light gentle snores lulling me to sleep.

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