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The Palace is in a hectic situation.
"Louis what happened" he called me
"Is a bow tie fine"
"No, grandpa wales died this day wear something appropriate"
"See you later" I ended the call

For some unexplainable reason Eva ran out of the church halfway and when I came out I saw her crying.
"Hey what happened" I cooed . I still couldn't get close to her like I used to.

"It's nothing" she whimpered
"Sorry dad" I exhaled
"What are you...." she started
"31st August 1997, 4 in the morning." I stated

She cried out loud and had her head between her hands. Louis was at the right time to hold her and save her from falling.
"What did you do" he asked helping her up.
"Meet your granny Diana" I said


"Granny Diana. You are taking over my wife. Thoughts and hobbies. I will not allow my wife to mourn over my dead grandfather and fall in love with him, when I am present. Over my dead body will she choose to be with someone else and I am not dead yet" I whispered because I really didn't have the strength to say it out loud.

"Please, We are delighted that you are here in some kind of form but don't destroy us" I whispered
"George, I think you should stop talking" Louis whispered
"I think you should shut up" I said

She parted her lips to speak but instead screamed and fell down.

"Gran" I reached forward but something unexplainable happened which blowed my mind.

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