Chapter Seven - Ponyboy

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"Hey Pony! Bring in the cake, wouldja?"

I glanced up from my homework, a bit bewildered at being interrupted, just as I heard Diana protest, "Two-Bit, it's not even four yet!"

"And I'm starved! Pony, bring it in!"

I glanced at the counter, where one of Darry's famous chocolate cakes waited innocently on a chipped blue plate. Already, it looked like someone had cut a large piece from the side and tried to rotate the plate so it wasn't immediately visible.

"Didn't you already have a piece?" I called. "Darry just made this last night and there's already a big piece gone."

"Naw, that was Soda 'fore he went down for his shift," Two-Bit explained.  

I frowned, still unsure if he was lying or not, but I guessed his explanation made sense. "Right, you want me to bring the whole cake in there?"

"Good God, Pony, no!" Diana huffed. "Cut him one piece. And a small piece, mind you. He's already had a pop since he got here and he sure doesn't need any more sugar."

"Okay, Mom," I joked, grabbing a knife from the knife block and slicing off a skinny wedge of cake.

I heard her groan in annoyance. "Don't call me that, Pone. I'll tattle to Darry on you!"

I flipped the piece of cake onto a clean plate and reached into the utensils drawer for a fork. I grinned to myself as I brought it all into the living room for Two-Bit. Like Darry would care if I called her "mom" - if anything, he'd probably agree with me.

"Here's the cake, Two," I said.

He took the plate from me, his eyes never leaving the Mickey Mouse cartoon that was playing on the television in front of him. "Thanks, Pony. You wanna watch with me?"

"Nah, I've got some homework to finish up."

"You want me to help you?" Diana offered. "I've got to get better at teaching somehow, if I ever want to get my bachelor's in education. Professor Harding's been real tough lately."

"I don't think helping me with math will do much to help you, but it'd be nice if you could look over my English essay," I said. "It's due tomorrow and I want to be sure it's perfect."

Diana nodded. "I can do that."

"Oh, that reminds me, Ponyboy." Two-Bit put down his fork and wiped his mouth, which bore the creases of a mischievous grin. "What's this we're hearing down at the DX about you going steady with some broad?"

"Why would me asking Diana to look over my essay remind you of that?" I frowned. 

"Dunno. So, is it true? You seeing anyone special?"

"Is it that girl that you and Darry gave a ride home last Friday?" Diana asked, her brown eyes lighting up with interest. 

I ducked away as the two of them shared a teasing glance. "Now what are you going on about," I muttered, annoyed. "Who was saying all this, Two?"

"You know how teenagers come in and blabber in the DX. A couple girls were asking Soda about you this afternoon, right when I left to come over. It seems they think you're dating some girl named Betty Kay," he explained. "Soda told them he had no idea who you were or weren't dating. But I'd like to know!"

"Same here. Spill, Ponyboy Curtis." Diana's voice was uncharacteristically commanding. 

"Y'all are just gonna tease me about it!"

"So you are going steady with this girl."

"What is this, an interrogation?" I chuckled under my breath and retreated back to the kitchen. "Diana, you can come in here when you want to help me and not talk about my love life."

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