Chapter 52

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It was quiet on Dragonstone. Alanna, Tyrion and were sitting in front of the fire in the council chamber. While Daenerys paced quietly around the room with a glass of wine in her hand.
Alanna's feet rested on her husband's lap as he massaged her feet and ankles.
"How do such tiny feet carry around such a large body?" Tyrion mused as he gave his wife's feet a teasing squeeze. Alanna gave him a look with raised eyebrows,
"The same way such a small body carries around an even larger head." She shot back without missing a beat, Tyrion smiled proudly at her comeback. Daenerys smiled at their banter before she  spoke,
"Do you know what I like about you?" She asked. Tyrion and Alanna turned their heads to see who she was talking to. Her eyes were on Tyrion, so he answered.
"I honestly don't."
"You're not a hero." She said.
Alanna's eyes widened feeling offended for her husband.
"Oh. Well, I've been heroic on occasion. I once charged through the Mud Gate of King's Landing and—" Tyrion said and gesturing to the scar across his face.
"I don't want you to be a hero." Daenerys clarified as she walked to the fire and stood before them, "Heroes do stupid things and they die. Drogo, Jorah, Daario, and even your brother...Jon Snow," Daenerys said gesturing towards Alanna as she mentioned Jon, "they all try to outdo each other. Who can do the stupidest, bravest thing." She grumbled. Alanna couldn't help but grin,
"It's interesting, these heroes you name. Drogo, Jorah, Daario, and even my brother... Jon Snow," Alanna said mimicking the inflection Daenerys had used. "They all fell in love with you." She said.
"Jon Snow's not in love with me." Daenerys said as if it was a ridiculous notion. Alanna still smiled,
"Oh, my mistake. I suppose my brother stares stares at you longingly because he's hopeful for a successful military alliance." She said sarcastically. Daenerys rolled her eyes at her and shook her head.
"He's too little for me." She said. Alanna raised her eyebrows and cleared her throat pointedly. Daenerys realizing her mistake looked at Tyrion apologetically,
"I didn't mean–"
"As heroes go, he is quite little." Tyrion said with a smile.
"I know you're brave. I wouldn't have chosen a coward as my Hand." Daenerys said with a kind smile. She then sat in the open chair by the fire,
"So, if all goes well, I'll finally get to meet your sister. From everything you've told me about her, she'd rather murder me than speak with me."
Alanna let out a humorless laugh, taking her feet off Tyrion's lap,
"Oh no, first she'd torture you in some horrible way, then she'd murder you." Alanna told her. Tyrion nodded in agreement,
"Nobody trusts my sister less than I do, believe me. But if we go to the capital, we'll go with two armies, we'll go with three dragons. Anyone touches you, King's Landing burns down to the foundation stones." Tyrion told Daenerys.
"And right now, she's thinking of how to set a trap." She said.
"Of course she is." Alanna said.
"And she's wondering what trap you're laying for her." Tyrion added.
"Are we? Laying any traps?" Daenerys asked. Tyrion and Alanna looked at each other for a moment before Tyrion spoke.
"If we want to create a new and better world, I'm not sure deceit and mass murder is the best way to start." Tyrion said.
"Which war was won without deceit and mass murder?" Daenerys asked.
"Valid point." Alanna said as she looked at her husband.
"Yes, you'll need to be ruthless if you're going to win the throne. You need to inspire a degree of fear. But fear is all Cersei has. It's all my father had, and Joffrey. It makes their power brittle because everyone beneath them long to see them dead." Tyrion said. Alanna had to agree with him. She grew up in King's Landing fearing Cersei and Joffrey only because of what they could do to her sister. But she herself never truly feared them. She hated them, sure. But fear? No.
"Aegon Targaryen got quite a long way on fear." Daenerys pointed out. Tyrion nodded in agreement,
"He did. But you once spoke to us about breaking the wheel. Aegon built a wheel. If that's the kind of queen you want to be, how are you different from all the other tyrants that came before you?" Tyrion said her. Daenerys got up,
"So we walk into the lion's den." She said and walked around the table to look out on the water.
"My brother promised me he'd keep a grip on the Lannister forces." Tyrion told her. Alanna raised her eyebrows at him but Daenerys took the words right out of her mouth,
"Forgive me, but I don't care about any Lannister promises." She said. "Except yours." She added with a smile.
"And I promised him Alanna and I'd keep you from doing anything impulsive." Tyrion said.
"Impulsive?" Daenerys repeated.
Alanna looked at Tyrion and understood where this was going. Tyrion got up from his chair and approached Daenerys,
"This will be a difficult negotiation. We're sitting down with people who want to see us all headless. My sister is likely to say something provocative." Tyrion warned her.
"And?" Daenerys asked.
"And you have been known to loose your temper from time to time, as all great leaders do." Tyrion added. Alanna shook her head as she slipped on her slippers and got to her feet.
"When have I lost my temper?" Daenerys asked.
"Burning the Tarlys, for instance." Tyrion said.
"That was not impulsive. That was necessary." Daenerys shot back.
"Perhaps." Alanna said gingerly.
"Perhaps?" Daenerys repeated, wanting clarification. 
"Perhaps the father needed to die and not the son. Perhaps they both needed time to contemplate their mistakes in the solitude of a cold cell. We had no time to discuss the possibilities before you ended their possibilities." Tyrion told her.
"One could be forgiven for thinking you're taking your family's side in this debate." Daenerys shot back.
"He is taking their side. You need to take your enemy's side if you're going to see things the way they do. And you need to see things the way they do if you're going to anticipate their actions, respond effectively and beat them." Alanna said as she walked up to Daenerys, "Which we want you to do very much. Not only because we believe in you and in the world you want to build, but because we need you to. We want the world you build to be a better one for the sake of our unborn child and all the unborn children in the world to come." Alanna said passionately to her.
"But the world you want to build doesn't get built all at once. Probably not in a single lifetime. How do we ensure that your vision endures? After you break the wheel, how do we make sure it stays broken?" Tyrion asks.
Alanna and Daenerys look at him.
"You want to know who sits on the Iron Throne after I'm dead. Is that it?" Daenerys asks. Alanna gave her husband a look telling him to tread lightly.
"You say you can't have children, but there are other ways of choosing a successor. The Nights Watch has one method. The ironborn, for all their many flaws, have another." Tyrion said.
"We will discuss the succession after I wear the crown." Daenerys told him. Alanna stepped in,
"My Queen, we saw hundreds of arrows fly towards you when you fought on the Blackwater Rush, and we saw hundreds of arrows miss. But any one of them could have found your heart and ended your–"
"You both have been thinking about my death quite a bit, haven't you?" Daenerys interrupted her with a hard gaze. She then looked at Tyrion,
"Is this one of the items you discussed with your brother in King's Landing?" She asked accusingly.
"I'm trying to serve you by planning for the long term." Tyrion told her.
"Perhaps if you planned for the short term, we wouldn't have lost Dorne and Highgarden." Daenerys shot back angrily through her teeth. "We will discuss the succession after I wear the crown." She repeated leaving no room for discussion, and left the room. Alanna let out a heavy sigh,
"Well, that went well." She said in a sarcastically pleased tone. Tyrion hummed in agreement.
The next day a Raven came from the Wall. Jon and the others were trapped by the armies of the dead and called for aid. Daenerys sprang into action and dressed to fly north. Alanna and Tyrion followed her to where the dragons sat waiting for her.
"You can't. The most important person in the world can't fly off to the most dangerous place in the world." Tyrion protested.
"Who else can?" Alanna and Daenerys asked in unison.
"No one. They knew the risks when they left. You can't win the throne if you're dead. You can't break the wheel if you're dead." Tyrion said to Daenerys.
"So what would you have me do?" She asked as she stood on Drogon's claw ready to climb. Alanna sighed know that Tyrion was right.
"Nothing. Sometimes nothing is the hardest thing to do. If you die, we're all lost. Everyone, everything." Alanna said shaking her head as tears welled up.
"You both told me to do nothing before and I listen to you. I'm not doing nothing again." Daenerys said and she climbed up onto Drogon and she and her dragons flew off while Tyrion and Alanna watched them fly out of sight.
The mission in the north was successful, Jon and the others managed to capture an undead soldier and brought it back to Dragonstone. Alanna hugged her brother when she saw that he was alive and well. He told her and Tyrion everything that had happened while they were beyond the wall. There was only one setback. Daenerys lost one of her dragons.

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