Chapter 59

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After the meeting ended, Alanna and Tyrion went their separate ways. Tyrion went to go oversee the preparations for the upcoming battle, while Alanna desperately wanted to rest. Sansa all but forced her to take her chambers which used to belong to their parents. Alanna looked around the room which she used to spend so much time in as a little girl, she and her siblings were all born in this room. She remembered her and Sansa sitting at their mother's mirror braiding each other's hair. Alanna was currently undoing her hair at that very mirror when a voice interrupted her thoughts.
"Your hair used to be longer."
Alanna looked up and the reflection in the mirror knocked the air out of her lungs. Standing in the doorway was Arya. Alanna turned around in her chair to see if she was actually there. Arya had grown in height since she last saw her, her eyes seemed to be much older and wiser than her age made her seem to be. She was a woman now. Alanna slowly got to her feet and smiled at her youngest sister,
"You used to be shorter." She said teasingly. Arya's face broke into a huge smile and she ran to her older sister. The two embraced each other tightly. Alanna cried as she kissed the young girl's head. Arya was crying too, of all her siblings, she missed Alanna the most. The two pulled away still holding each other, Alanna wiped a stray tear from Arya's face,
"Look at you, little wolf, you're a woman." She said.
Arya smiled and placed a hand to Alanna's belly, "And you're a mother." She said, "What is it?" She asked looking at her bulging belly.
Alanna smiled, "Tyrion thinks it's going to be a girl, but I'm sure it's a boy." She told her.
Arya gave her a smirk, "So, you married a Lannister."
Alanna couldn't help but roll her eyes, "Yes, I married a Lannister! But, he's the best of the Lannisters, and I love him with all my heart and soul. If I didn't, I wouldn't be carrying his child." She shot back.
Arya chuckled, "Don't worry Lanna, I'm only teasing." Alanna beamed at her sister, "You have no idea how much I missed hearing you call me that." She said and the two sisters hugged each other again.
"I've missed you, Lanna."
"I've missed you too, Ary. So, so much." Alanna said kissing her sister's cheek. They then sat together by the fire and shared stories of their lives and adventures since they last saw each other. Arya told of her time with the Hound and the Faceless Men. Alanna told Arya of the Battle of the Blackwater and how Tyrion lead the attack, then was himself attacked by one of the King's Guard on Cersei's orders. She then told her of hers and Tyrion's wedding and everything that happened that lead them to be in the service of Daenerys Targaryen. Arya saw the love in her sister's face as she spoke of Tyrion and was happy that her eldest sister was able to find true happiness in life after everything that had happened to them. By the time Alanna and Arya had shared all their stories, it had started to grow dark outside. Arya had lit the candles in the room as they recanted memories of their childhood and moments when their family was whole. The two were laughing when Tyrion entered the room and smiled kindly at how happy his wife looked being with her sister. He gently knocked on the now open door and the two women turned their heads at the sound.
"Pardon my intrusion, my ladies, but it is getting rather late and my wife needs to rest." Tyrion said giving his wife a pointed look telling her not to argue. Alanna nodded, and the two women stood up from their chairs and hugged each other good night. Arya made her way to the door but stopped and looked at Tyrion with a kind smile, "It's not often I'm pleased to meet a Lannister. But it is a pleasure to meet the best of them." She said and held out a hand for him to shake. Tyrion looked slightly taken aback by the gesture but he then took it and shook her hand, "And it's a pleasure to finally meet you Lady Arya. From what my wife has told me about you, I'm sure we will get along nicely." He said giving Arya a wink. Arya smiled,
"From what my sister has told me about you, I'm sure we will, and that I'll never be given a reason to kill you. Also it's just Arya. Good night to you both." She said and closed the door gently behind her. Alanna couldn't help but giggle at the bewildered expression on Tyrion's face.
"She likes you." Alanna said matter of factly.
"Well, at least one of your sisters do." Tyrion mused. Alanna sighed as she stretched and began to dress for bed.
"What did Sansa say to you?" She asked.
"She thinks I'm a fool for trusting Cersei." Tyrion told her.
"Sansa likes to think she's smarter than everyone. But she's not a foolish little girl anymore, she's had to learn things the hard way and quickly." Alanna reminded him as he helped her with the laces of her corset.
"So you agree with her?" Tyrion asked as he helped her with her stockings and her shoes.
"No darling, I don't think you're a fool. You're the cleverest man I know. But I do not think it's wise to completely trust your sister. Anyone who does trust her is an idiot. But we need her army to fight the army of the dead. After that we'll all go back to hating and not trusting her as the Gods intended." Alanna said as she and Tyrion got into bed together.
"She also doesn't like our Queen." Tyrion said aimlessly running his fingers along her large belly.
"As a Lady of the North, I don't blame her. Sansa see's Daenerys as an outsider, a potential conqueror. Us Northerns are a stubborn lot. We've been betrayed by our own Kings and Queens in the past. If she wants their loyalty and their trust, she'll have to earn it." Alanna told him. Tyrion hummed in acknowledgement, he then kissed her belly, then kissed her good night and blew out the last candle beside the bed. Alanna didn't say it out loud, but she had a feeling in her gut that Cersei Lannister was playing with them and that it would harm them in the end.

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